Forum Discussion

Marieme's avatar
Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
Jun 14, 2018

Replace F5 8900 version 11.6.1 by F5 iR800 version 12.1.2

Hello I have 2 F5 in version 11.6.1 that i need to replace with two others in 12.1.2 version. how could i proceed? is it possible to import config? how can i configure port mirroring and sync failevor? Is it possible to adapt the new version 12.1.2 in version 11.6.1?


It is LTM Platform. I never did this task before and it would be helpful if you can give me some tips because it is very critical for the client


Thanks in advance


  • Hi Marieme,


    deployed a cluster with this 2 equipement and sync configuration it's a good alternative...


    • You can upgrade the old (11.6.1) one to the same version to the new one (12.1.2)
    • set systemp and network part.
    • then create the self IP on the new one (same vlan name)
    • don't forget to set communication channels (Device Management ›› Devices --> configsync, failover, mirroring)
    • ...
    • Then sync the configuration on the new one.

    it's a simple and effective procedure. let me now if you need help...