Forum Discussion
Replace an header authorization request with policy or iRule doesn't work ...
Hi all,
I need to replace an header in request : the original header is "X-epsilon-Authorization" and the new header is "Authorization".
I don't know if the value of header is necessary but is the same : "Basic xxxx"
I try it with Policy:
"HTTP HEADER" named "X-epsilon-Authorization" "is" "any of" "Basic XXXX" at "request"
"Remove" "http header" named "X-epsilon-Authorization" at "request"
"Insert" "http header" named "Authorization" with value "Basic XXX" at "request"
I try also witch iRule:
if { [HTTP::header] eq "X-epsilon-Authorization" } {
HTTP::header replace "Authorization"
It doesn't work with iRule or Policy ..... Can anyone help me ?
Thanks !
Try below. Modify the names of the header if needed. You can enable logging to see if it's replacing as expected.
when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::header exists "X-epsilon-Authorization"] } { set value [HTTP::header value X-epsilon-Authorization] HTTP::header remove X-epsilon-Authorization HTTP::header insert Authorization $value } else { return } foreach aHeader [HTTP::header names] { # log local0. "$aHeader: [HTTP::header value $aHeader]" } }
- spalande
Try below. Modify the names of the header if needed. You can enable logging to see if it's replacing as expected.
when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::header exists "X-epsilon-Authorization"] } { set value [HTTP::header value X-epsilon-Authorization] HTTP::header remove X-epsilon-Authorization HTTP::header insert Authorization $value } else { return } foreach aHeader [HTTP::header names] { # log local0. "$aHeader: [HTTP::header value $aHeader]" } }
- ckteur
Hi SanjayP,
Thanks for reply !
I try the irule but that return an error: "01070151:3: Rule [/Common/A_irule] error: /Common/A_irule:2: error: [parse error: PARSE syntax 33 {syntax error in expression " HTTP::header exists X-mafrenchbank-Authorization ": variable references require preceding $}][{ HTTP::header exists X-mafrenchbank-Authorization }]"
- ckteur
It works !!
Just the hooks were missing [HTTP::header exists "X-epsilon-Authorization"]
The irule run perfectly and the value of Header has been changed.
Thanks a lot and have a good day !
- spalande
My bad. Please try above the edited one.
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