Forum Discussion

ArlindT's avatar
Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus
May 12, 2023

F5 Policy using replace with TCL



i'm trying to to the following job:

when someone try to browse to

i want the policy to add the string ICTDesktop int the path ->

and only after forward the traffic to the Pool.

Possibly 'ICTDesktop' to be hiden

How can i do this without irule, but using only TCL or also without TCL?



  • solved as tcl[HTTP::uri "/ICTDesktop[HTTP::uri]"]

    ps: also tcl[HTTP::path "/ICTDesktop[HTTP::path]"] works

6 Replies

  • ArlindT This might do what you want, this is also assuming I understood the situation.

    when HTTP_REQUEST priority 500 {
        if {[HTTP::host] == ""} {
            if {[[string tolower [HTTP::uri]] == "/some_text/etc"} {
                HTTP::uri [string map {"/some_text/etc" "/ICTDesktop/some_text/etc"}[HTTP::uri]]
                pool POOL_your_pool
    • ArlindT's avatar
      Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus


      thanks for the support,

      the challenging thing is this: some_text/etc is a random part, i don't know it before.

      I want something like this:

      tcl:[string map {random_uri "/ICTdesktop"+random_uri} [HTTP::uri]]

      so it adds /ICTdesktop before the random_uri with a tcl implementation.

    • ArlindT's avatar
      Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus

      i was thinking something like that


      set old_path [HTTP::path]
      set new_path /ICTdesktop${old_path}
      string map [list "$old_path" "$new_path"] [HTTP::uri]

      • Paulius's avatar
        Icon for MVP rankMVP

        ArlindT I don't believe this would work well with a string map because a string map works off of a static value being changed to another static value. What is the reason behind having to insert the "/ICTdesktop" into the path? This might be something that is better taken care of on the server side and letting the client see the path rather than attempting to hide it from the client.

  • solved as tcl[HTTP::uri "/ICTDesktop[HTTP::uri]"]

    ps: also tcl[HTTP::path "/ICTDesktop[HTTP::path]"] works