Reference iFile inside CSS file - Is it possible?
I am developing an iRule, and I am stuck on a piece of code, where I should respond with a specific CSS iFile, which will substitute the backend resource.
Within the CSS file is referenced a JPG file, which itself references a JPG contained on an external website.
The piece of iRule code is the following:
if {[URI::basename [HTTP::uri]] ends_with ".css"} {
HTTP::respond 200 content [ifile get <ifile_name>.css]
I looked at the documentation, but I had no luck.
I am wondering if anybody knows, if it's possible to reference an iFile within the CSS code, in order to fetch an F5 internal resource, instead of relying to an external website which might or might not contain the JPG file.
Thanks a lot in advance
Sorry, not sure if we can add ifile within ifile. We will keep this discussion open for others to comment.
But just a thought, why can't you look for an option to update current primary css file to add image file there. something like b64 encoded image?