Forum Discussion

Atee_354939's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 16, 2018

Redirect to different Pool based on URL

Redirect to different Pool based on URL I have 1 VIP and want to re-direct to different pool depending on the url. should go to Pool1 should go to Pool2


I tried below iRule but it did not work. Any help would be highly appreciated.




if { [HTTP::path] contains "abppv1-ui-qa2" } { pool Pool1 } elseif { [HTTP::path] contains "abpp-notif-qa" } { pool Pool2 }




  • There are many iRule available in devcentral. But I will suggest you to use f5 policy to match URI n redirect traffic to pool... Create a new policy with properties:

    Policy requires http Policy controls forwarding For each policy rule, define:

    condition : http-uri parh starts_with /bugid action : forward pool pool_x Create a default rule without conditon assigning the default pool..

    Example iRule

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
    set uri [string tolower [HTTP::path]]
    switch -glob $uri {
         "/book/" {
     pool pool_X
         "/manage/" {
     pool pool_Y
        "/checkin/" {
     pool pool_Z
  • Hello


    I have this working this way:


    when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::host] eq "" } { pool app1_pool


    } elseif { [HTTP::host] eq "" } { pool app2_pool


    } }


  • Hi,


    I advise you to use Policies without Irule (Local Traffic ›› Policies : Policy List). It's more simple to maintain and manage for this kind of needs:


    Create a policy then in your rule set the following condition:


    Match all of the following conditions: HTTP Host is :


    Do the following when the traffic is matched: Forward traffic to pool ...


    And you can add as many rules as you like...


    Then you have to attached this policy to your VS...


    Let me now if you need details.


  • There are many iRule available in devcentral. But I will suggest you to use f5 policy to match URI n redirect traffic to pool... Create a new policy with properties:

    Policy requires http Policy controls forwarding For each policy rule, define:

    condition : http-uri parh starts_with /bugid action : forward pool pool_x Create a default rule without conditon assigning the default pool..

    Example iRule

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
    set uri [string tolower [HTTP::path]]
    switch -glob $uri {
         "/book/" {
     pool pool_X
         "/manage/" {
     pool pool_Y
        "/checkin/" {
     pool pool_Z
  • Thanks StuKirby!!! It worked perfectly as I expected! Appreciate your help!


  • Hi youssef,


    For example, if goest to pool1

    everything else goes to pool2


    how'd you do that using policies? Never used it