Nov 29, 2010Nimbostratus
Re-write works with one URI but the other
switch -glob [HTTP::uri] {
"/a22/O/cd/wd" {
set xyz [HTTP::header "abc"]
HTTP::uri [string map "/a22/O /a22/$abc" [HTTP::uri]]
pool p_rewrite }
"/v1_0/O/cd" {
set xyz [HTTP::header "abc"]
HTTP::uri [string map "/a22/O /a22/$abc" [HTTP::uri]]
pool p_rewrite }
default {
pool p_nonrewrite }
The second one (/a22/O/cd) works as expected and the user is routed to the correct Pool. In the first case (/a22/O/cd/wd) it does not work. Note that the Pool (p_rewrite) is the same in both cases.