Forum Discussion

Hamish's avatar
Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
Aug 09, 2012

Re-activate license spins... and spins... and spins...

has anyone else around had issues with re-licensing BigIP units?



It used to be quite quick. But I've noticed that as the versions increase it seems to get slower and slower to get from the license re-activate to the list of license keys to generate a dossier...




Today I had the unit telling me 'Bad gateway' as it tried to talk to a proxy (For some reason). The URI is








which takes 3.2 minutes to eventually return... It LOOKS like BigIP is trying to connet to the automatic license activation server ( as /var/log/ltm was stating








Aug 9 11:05:19 bigdv1 debug find-activate: lookup of returned


Aug 9 11:26:21 bigdv1 debug find-activate: external lookup selected







Annoying... When it's just the pause, it's frustrating (I know I don't like sitting for minutes waiting for a screen to popup). When it's a big long pause and a failure, it's just plain annoying...




Just trolling to see if anyone else has noticed this? If you don't get it, does you unit have access to talk to If you do pause, do you see your units trying to access at your firewall and getting blocked?










  • Hamish's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
    Note that it IS only the GUI that spins... Command line get_dossier is nice & quick...



    - Maybe it's just punishment for using the GUI instead of a lovely CLI...


