Forum Discussion

Zdixon_351011's avatar
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Feb 07, 2018

Python SDK, Altering Virtual Server Type - SSL Profiles

Hello guys, Im having some troubles with the sdk and for 2 days now I've searched to no avail.


I'm attempting to create Virtual Servers via the F5-SDK for python, I am successfully able to create the virtual, but I'm running into an issue where the created virtual server is of the type 'Performance HTTP', I would like this to be 'Standard' so I can assign Client SSL Profiles to this virtual, but I am unable to figure out a solution to my issues.


In addition to the 'Type' not being able to be changed for me (my fault im sure) its unclear to me exactly how I should 'Attach' a client ssl profile (which already exist) to the virtual server after its creation.


Any assistance with this would be greatly appreciated, Thanks.


  • while creating virtual server use ipProtocol='tcp' , this will create a standard virtual server.