Would this work?
Rewrite any domains/paths in Set-Cookie headers
if {[HTTP::header exists "Set-Cookie"]}{
array set cookielist { }
A response may have multiple Set-Cookie headers, loop through them
foreach cookievalue [HTTP::header values "Set-Cookie"] {
set cookiename [getfield $cookievalue "=" 1]
set newcookievalue ""
New check for XYZCOOKIE
if {$cookiename eq "XYZCOOKIE"} {
if {$::ProxyPassDebug > 1} {
log local0. "Skipping XYZ cookie $cookiename"
skip to the next iteration of this loop
} end XYZ check
Each cookie starts with name=value and then has more name/value pairs
foreach element [split $cookievalue ";"] {
set element [string trim $element]
if {$element contains "="} {
set elementname [getfield $element "=" 1]
set elementvalue [getfield $element "=" 2]
if {$elementname eq "domain"} {
Rewrite domain of cookie, if necessary.
if {$elementvalue eq $host_serverside} {
if {$::ProxyPassDebug > 1} {
log local0. "Modifying cookie $cookiename domain from $elementvalue to $host_clientside"
set elementvalue $host_clientside
if {$elementname eq "path"} {
Rewrite path of cookie, if necessary.
if {$elementvalue starts_with $path_serverside} {
if {$::ProxyPassDebug > 1} {
log local0. "Modifying cookie $cookiename path from $elementvalue to $path_clientside[substr $elementvalue [string length $path_serverside]]"
set elementvalue $path_clientside[substr $elementvalue [string length $path_serverside]]
append newcookievalue "$elementname=$elementvalue; "
} else {
append newcookievalue "$element; "
Store new cookie value for later re-insertion. The cookie value
string will end with an extra "; " so strip that off here.
set cookielist($cookiename) [string range $newcookievalue 0 [expr {[string length $newcookievalue] - 3}]]
Remove all Set-Cookie headers and re-add them (modified or not)
HTTP::header remove "Set-Cookie"
foreach cookiename [array names cookielist] {
HTTP::header insert "Set-Cookie" $cookielist($cookiename)
if {$::ProxyPassDebug > 1} {
log local0. "Inserting cookie: $cookielist($cookiename)"