Forum Discussion

Pierre_G__71801's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 08, 2011

[ProxyPass_v10.3] Bypass Cookie rewriting




I'm using ProxyPass to redirects some URIs to a different pool but the Cookies get rewritten from "" to "" according to the user request who browses to



Is there a way to bypass completely the cookie rewriting mechanism in ProxyPass (idealy adding a new string to the datagroup that would act as an option, like "rewriteCookie := 0") or should I just copy the ProxyPass iRule without the Cookie part?



Thanks in advance,





  • Hi Pierre,



    You could just remove lines 397 - 445 of ProxyPass to fix this. If you're never going to use ProxyPass on two different domains, you don't need this code and will save some complexity and resources by removing it.



    Alternatively, you could modify ProxyPass to not rewrite the cookies if the external and internal domains are the same.



  • I use ProxyPass for multiple domains and I also use it in cases where cookie rewriting is needed so I was looking for a way to do all this with only one iRule to ease the management.



    I'll just copy ProxyPass to a ProxyPassNoCookies and remove the lines about cookie rewriting for now but I might have to implement some options one day if I need more flexibility.



    Thanks for your answer!
  • I have a similar issue where the cookie portion is "chopping" up my home-grown cookie (splitting on a colon(:) in the cookie) . How would I modify proxypass to NOT rewrite if the external and internal domains are the same?










  • Hi Mark,



    Can you enable debug and copy a few anonymized examples of these log lines from /var/log/ltm?



    log local0. "Modifying cookie $cookiename domain from $elementvalue to $host_clientside"


    log local0. "Modifying cookie $cookiename path from $elementvalue to $path_clientside[substr $elementvalue [string length $path_serverside]]"


    log local0. "Inserting cookie: $cookielist($cookiename)"



    Thanks, Aaron
  • I am actually not seeing a Modifying cookie statement in the log but I do see lots of "inserting cookie"




    Here is an example: ProxyPass V8.2




    Aug 8 11:37:00 tmm tmm[1706]: Rule ProxyPass82_lms_logging :,, URI=/lmsSupport/setCookie.htm: Looking for entries matching


    Aug 8 11:37:00 tmm tmm[1706]: Rule ProxyPass82_lms_logging :,, URI=/lmsSupport/setCookie.htm: Found Rule, Client, Client Path=/lmsSupport, Server, Server Path=/lmsSupport


    Aug 8 11:37:00 tmm tmm[1706]: Rule ProxyPass82_lms_logging :, URI=/lmsSupport/setCookie.htm: New Host, New Path=/lmsSupport/setCookie.htm


    Aug 8 11:37:00 tmm tmm[1706]: Rule ProxyPass82_lms_logging :,, URI=/lmsSupport/setCookie.htm: Using parsed pool stagefarm


    Aug 8 11:37:01 tmm tmm[1706]: Rule ProxyPass82_lms_logging : Inserting cookie: 1312817818


    Aug 8 11:37:01 tmm tmm[1706]: Rule ProxyPass82_lms_logging : Inserting cookie: zj7Yu6AbX7YowrdTy0CnqGIn6sZERx1aKOqGJnU;; path =/


    Aug 8 11:37:01 tmm tmm[1706]: Rule ProxyPass82_lms_logging : Inserting cookie:




    The actual cookie looks like this:


    HTTP: Cookie:; path=/;;




  • Would this work?



    Rewrite any domains/paths in Set-Cookie headers


    if {[HTTP::header exists "Set-Cookie"]}{


    array set cookielist { }


    A response may have multiple Set-Cookie headers, loop through them


    foreach cookievalue [HTTP::header values "Set-Cookie"] {


    set cookiename [getfield $cookievalue "=" 1]


    set newcookievalue ""



    New check for XYZCOOKIE


    if {$cookiename eq "XYZCOOKIE"} {


    if {$::ProxyPassDebug > 1} {


    log local0. "Skipping XYZ cookie $cookiename"




    skip to the next iteration of this loop




    } end XYZ check



    Each cookie starts with name=value and then has more name/value pairs


    foreach element [split $cookievalue ";"] {


    set element [string trim $element]


    if {$element contains "="} {


    set elementname [getfield $element "=" 1]


    set elementvalue [getfield $element "=" 2]



    if {$elementname eq "domain"} {


    Rewrite domain of cookie, if necessary.


    if {$elementvalue eq $host_serverside} {


    if {$::ProxyPassDebug > 1} {


    log local0. "Modifying cookie $cookiename domain from $elementvalue to $host_clientside"




    set elementvalue $host_clientside






    if {$elementname eq "path"} {


    Rewrite path of cookie, if necessary.


    if {$elementvalue starts_with $path_serverside} {


    if {$::ProxyPassDebug > 1} {


    log local0. "Modifying cookie $cookiename path from $elementvalue to $path_clientside[substr $elementvalue [string length $path_serverside]]"




    set elementvalue $path_clientside[substr $elementvalue [string length $path_serverside]]






    append newcookievalue "$elementname=$elementvalue; "


    } else {


    append newcookievalue "$element; "






    Store new cookie value for later re-insertion. The cookie value


    string will end with an extra "; " so strip that off here.


    set cookielist($cookiename) [string range $newcookievalue 0 [expr {[string length $newcookievalue] - 3}]]




    Remove all Set-Cookie headers and re-add them (modified or not)


    HTTP::header remove "Set-Cookie"


    foreach cookiename [array names cookielist] {


    HTTP::header insert "Set-Cookie" $cookielist($cookiename)


    if {$::ProxyPassDebug > 1} {


    log local0. "Inserting cookie: $cookielist($cookiename)"










  • That looks like it should work. Which LTM version are you running this on? For LTM v10 or higher, you should use the ProxyPassV10 rule:





  • Running 9.4.8 I am using ProxyPass82....I will let you know how my testing goes....



    Can you see any reason why the iRule would be messing with the cookie? especially splitting it up on the colon (:)??



  • Hmmmm...It looks like my problem may be this: The fix is to move to v10 TMOS code --- Are patches available without updating the entire OS??








    HTTP::header values and colons in multiple headers (CR98328)


    The HTTP::header values use a colon ( : ) character internally to separate multiple header values being returned. Because of this, when the resulting concatenated string is split into a Tcl list object, colons that are embedded in the content are removed, and the value is split at the colon location. This occurs only on multiple headers. The workaround is to make sure your content contains no colons when you are using multiple headers.
  • Nice work in finding that known issue. I don't believe a hotfix was ever created for 9.4.x, but you could open a case with F5 Support and see if one was created.



    9.4.8 will be at the end of software development in Dec with only security fixes being continued until Aug 2012. So it's not a bad time to upgrade to 10.x anyhow :)



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