Forum Discussion

Kristian_Petter's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 07, 2016

Problems trasferring av new iso file to BIG IP

I'm having some issues with transferring an iso file with a new software version. Under System -->SW Management--->>Import-->>Upload. The upload is reaching about 3 or 4%, and all of a sudden i starts all over again.


Please advise.


  • Strange one - Anything in the logs ? (HDD Space I'm thinking more than anything) If in doubt - Can you try SFTP the software to the backend ? put it in /shared/images


  • Strange one - Anything in the logs ? (HDD Space I'm thinking more than anything) If in doubt - Can you try SFTP the software to the backend ? put it in /shared/images


    • Kristian_Petter's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Looks like there is more than enough diskspace. I'll try to STFP. Will the new iso be visible in the GUI after SFTP to /shared/images?


    • IainThomson85_1's avatar
      Icon for Cumulonimbus rankCumulonimbus

      Indeed it will - infact it's been my preferred method of transfer for a couple of years rather than the GUI (Once had a horrible instance where a transfer failed to a remote device at a hihg90%... I was gutted)


      Incidentally - if you're upgrading multiple devices in an environment without F5EM or BigIQ, its useful to understand that once you've got the image to one device you can just push it from there to other devices in the environment using cli SFTP Commands (Firewall rules depending of course)