Forum Discussion

dechir_21483's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 12, 2012

problem with FTP access on BIG IP V11.2.0 HF1





we have upgrade our 2 BIG IP on active/standby to version 11.2 HF1 and we met a problem with FTP access to our servers(vs ftp on port 21 and pool with members on ports 21), However the problem did not arise on version 11.1.0 HF2 despite that we used the same configuration (vs ftp on port 21 and pool with members on ports 21)




you have already met this problem?




are there any special configuration for FTP (Virtuel servers and pool)?






  • is the problem on ftp active or passive mode?



    if it is active, is server using standard data port, i.e. 20, or custom one?
  • We use FTP actif. and we use 20 for data transfert. However I infom you that FTP access work normally on version 11.1.0 HF2 and since we have upgrade our version on 11.2.0 we can't do FTP acces to our server and after equiepemnts are restored with version 11.1.0 HF2 the FTP acces work.



    for resume:




    FTP work with 11.1.0 HF2




    FTP not work with 11.2.0 HF1.






  • this is my testing.

    root@(ve11a)(cfg-sync Changes Pending)(Active)(/Common)(tmos) show sys version
    Main Package
      Product  BIG-IP
      Version  11.2.0
      Build    2451.0
      Edition  Hotfix HF1
      Date     Tue Jun  5 23:45:09 PDT 2012
    Hotfix List
    ID387964  ID387843
    root@(ve11a)(cfg-sync Changes Pending)(Active)(/Common)(tmos) list ltm virtual ftpvs
    ltm virtual ftpvs {
        ip-protocol tcp
        pool ftppool
        profiles {
            ftp { }
            tcp { }
        snat automap
    root@(ve11a)(cfg-sync Changes Pending)(Active)(/Common)(tmos) list ltm pool ftppool
    ltm pool ftppool {
        members {
     on client
    [root@centos251 ~] netstat -tan
    Active Internet connections (servers and established)
    Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address               Foreign Address             State
    tcp        0      0            ESTABLISHED
    tcp        0      0            ESTABLISHED
  • Hi dechir, i just found this topic. At this time I am working on a project for one of our customers and experience the same (almost) FTP problem. In my case the FTP communication flows from internal to the Internet (GTM link load balancing). In order to troubleshoot this problem I built a test environment using v.11.2.0 (NO HF1), this gives no problem. The problem starts with HF1.



    I made some tcpdumps in internal as well as external interface and can clearly see that the BIG-IP is modifying the response of the server after the client sends a passive request.



    This looks like some problem we had in the past with other releases.



    Have you allready submitted a service request with F5 ?
  • Hi Dechir,



    I found the same problem when I upgrade my HA configuration from 10.2 to 11.2.0 HF1. We had not problem with the old release but the problem begin after the Upgrade. I have seen you had the same problem, did you found a solution to the problem ? Thanks for your help.



  • Hi Herve,


    for the customer I was working on, this problem has been solved. Engineering provided us with a fix for V11.2.0 / HF2. Note, this was an engineering hotfix and not a publicly available fix !


    After implementing the fix, the problem was solved !


    I think you should contact F5 support in order to get the fix for your environment.


    Kind regards, Patrick.


  • Hi Patrick,



    Do you remember the bug ID number that was associated to your issue and which was fixed by the Engineering Hotfix?



  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    BZ398593 should be fixed in the upcoming 11.3 release. And as Patrick said, there should also be an engineering hotfix available for 11.2.x. You could request this be added to the next cumulative hotfix as well.


