Policy action getting overwrote by irule
Hello Everyone,
I'm currently using irule to publish application (filtering by URL). At the end of the irule I have a redirect by default.
when HTTP_REQUEST {set path [string tolower [HTTP::path]]
switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::host]] {
pool example-com-pool
default {
HTTP::respond 301 Location "https://[HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]"
I'm having an issue migrating from irule to ltm policies. I have this rule.
My policy rule is matching (Thanks to the log action).
But the forward traffic action is not working. I'm redirected to https by the default condition of the irule.
So it looks like the irule is overwroting what my policy is doing.
Anyone encountered this issue ?
I found the solution. You can find if a pool is already selected.
[LB::server pool] will give you the name of the pool selected (or nothing) for example: /Common/example-com-pool
So the solution in my case to avoid the default case to overwrite what my policy did.
default { if { ! ([LB::server pool] starts_with "/Common/") } { log local0. "DEBUG – pool not selected" HTTP::respond 301 Location "https://[HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]" } }
NB: For the random googler coming accros this question you can also catch if a redirect was already performed (by your policy) with this ([catch {HTTP::payload replace 0 0 {}}])