Forum Discussion

Miguel_Santos's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 19, 2011

Peering multi-platforms

Hello all,


I’m have a mission of upgrading a client site, by changing 1500 platforms to 1600 platforms, the easiest hay to perform this task in my opinion would be by making a backup configuration of the 1500 platforms and installing them in the new 1600 platforms, and in order to provide a minimum down time, placing the new 1600 in HA with the old 1500.




My question is, if anyone knows if the 1600 platform accepts the 1500 backup files, and if it is possible to peer to different platforms, in this case 1500 and 1600 platforms.




Thanks for your time



Best Regards




Miguel Santos


  • Hamish's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
    My 2p...



    Given the certs aren't in the SCF, I'd use a UCS myself...



    Of course if you setup the base yourself ahead of time and change the hostname, then the UCS will only install the shared components anyway... So you can skip the hand (Or sed) editing of the base config... (And track any changes by manually copying the UCS from old to new and re-importing again).



  • Hi,



    My feedback :)



    After installing the Firmware in the new 1600 platform, I copied the SCF and the SSL certs and keys from the old 1500 platform. After this steps I've tried to peer the uints, and it work ok.



    Thanks for the help