Forum Discussion
PDF corruption - iRule Selective SNAT
I'm a problem to the customer with an iRule. He implemented on his VS (LTM v10.2.x) this iRule "Selective SNAT" on below:
if {[IP::addr "[IP::client_addr]/24" equals "[LB::server addr]/24"]} {
snat automap
He has problem when download a PDF file from pool member because he download a corrupted file. 5 mounth ago I disabled the default "http" profile, but now I need this profile for iRule application on Virtual Server.
So, I believe that there is a good way to solve this issue, and then what could be the http profile parameter to solve this issue? Could it be possible to manage the compression section? http profile has default configuration.
Thanks in advance
Best Regards
- Mohamed_LrhaziAltocumulusCreate a new virtual server, for testing. Configure it the same way as the current one. then test it.
- What_Lies_Bene1CirrostratusCompression is the first thing that came to my mind. I'd try enabling Response Chunking and setting it to Rechunk first. If that still doesn't solve the issue I'd suggest adding application/pdf to the compression content list exclude list. If that doesn't work, capture the traffic and find out what MIME/content type is being used and exclude that, or of course, just turn off compression.
- Fabrizio_ChiavaNimbostratusHi Mohamed,
- Fabrizio_ChiavaNimbostratusHi,
- What_Lies_Bene1CirrostratusYou're right, compression is disabled by default. In that case there's no need to modify the HTTP Profile. Can you remove the iRule from the Virtual Server and test and see if that makes a difference, just so we can rule that out.
- Fabrizio_ChiavaNimbostratus
I just did this test, in fact if I removed the http profile from Virtual Server, now clients can download the file correcly from server.
So, I think this problem could be a single value of http profile, I don't know which one.
- What_Lies_Bene1CirrostratusWhat if you just remove the iRule?
- nitassEmployeehave you seen this one? can you try the irule in Perry's reply?
- Fabrizio_ChiavaNimbostratusYes, but I applied the iRule on below:
- Fabrizio_ChiavaNimbostratusHi,
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