Forum Discussion
Aug 30, 2011Cirrus
Parse errors
I am trying to fight the parse errors using the GUI and the iRule editor line by line, however I am getting stuck at line 8 using the iRule below for 10.x
logging for debug purposes. The following message in particular will place heavy load on the system. Remove for prod!
log "processing request for [HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]"
handle the */awdServer/* case.
if {[HTTP::uri] contains "/awdServer/"} {
if the Referer header does not exist this is a hard-bookmarked or malicious request and it will be logged and rejected.
if { [HTTP::header exists "Referer"] } {
if { [HTTP::header Referer equals ""] {
log local0.warn "request for [HTTP::host][HTTP::uri] was dropped due to a null Referer header"
HTTP::respond 404 "Object not found."
set ref_query [URI::query [HTTP::header "Referer"]]
set orig_query [HTTP::query]
set servlet [URI::query ${ref_query} servlet]
set awd_uri "${servlet}?${orig_query}&${ref_query}"
log "rewriting URI from [HTTP::uri] to ${awd_uri}"
HTTP::uri ${awd_uri}
} else {
log local0.warn "request for [HTTP::host][HTTP::uri] was dropped due to a missing Referer header"
HTTP::respond 404 "Object not found."
handle the /awd/ case
if { [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/awd/" {
if the Referer header does not exist this is a hard-bookmarked or malicous request and it will be logged and rejected.
if { HTTP::header exists "Referer" } {
if { HTTP::header "Referer" equals "" } {
log local0.warn "request for [HTTP::host][HTTP::uri] was dropped due to a null Referer header"
HTTP::respond 404 "Object not found."
grab the query string from the Referer header
set ref_uri [URI::query [HTTP::header Referer]]
grab the Platform from the Referer header query string, if present
if { [URI::query $ref_uri platform] != "" } {
set ref_Platform "[URI::query $ref_uri platform]/"
collect the CLIENT value from the Referer header query string, if present.
if [ [URI::query $ref_uri client] != "" } {
set ref_Client [URI::query $ref_uri client]
if there was a host value in the Referer query string, rewrite the Host header
set orig_URI [HTTP::uri]
if { [URI::query $ref_uri host] != "" } {
set ref_Host [URI::query $ref_uri host]
log "rewriting Host header [HTTP::host] to $ref_Host"
HTTP::header replace Host ${ref_Host}}
rewrite the URI to /PLATFORM/CLIENT/OriginalURI
set awd_uri "/${ref_Platform}${ref_Client}${orig_URI}"
log "rewriting [HTTP::uri] to ${awd_uri}"
HTTP::uri ${awd_uri}
load-balance to the AWD Pool
pool http_test
} else {
log local0.warn "request for [HTTP::host][HTTP::uri] was dropped due to a missing Referer header"
HTTP::respond 404 "Object not found."
- Nat_ThirasuttakornEmployeeI think it needs a close }
if { [HTTP::header Referer equals ""] {
if { [HTTP::header Referer equals ""] } {
- Thanks for the reply. I tried that, and no go. It looks to be a argument issue:
- hoolioCirrostratusThere were quite a few mismatched curly and square braces. Also, you need to use the keyword "content" with HTTP::respond. Can you try this? I haven't checked it fully for logic, but it loads at least.
when HTTP_REQUEST { logging for debug purposes. The following message in particular will place heavy load on the system. Remove for prod! log "processing request for [HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]" handle the */awdServer/* case. if {[HTTP::uri] contains "/awdServer/"} { if the Referer header does not exist this is a hard-bookmarked or malicious request and it will be logged and rejected. if { [HTTP::header exists "Referer"] } { if { [HTTP::header Referer] equals "" } { log local0.warn "request for [HTTP::host][HTTP::uri] was dropped due to a null Referer header" HTTP::respond 404 content "Object not found." return } set ref_query [URI::query [HTTP::header "Referer"]] set orig_query [HTTP::query] set servlet [URI::query ${ref_query} servlet] set awd_uri "${servlet}?${orig_query}&${ref_query}" log "rewriting URI from [HTTP::uri] to ${awd_uri}" HTTP::uri ${awd_uri} } else { log local0.warn "request for [HTTP::host][HTTP::uri] was dropped due to a missing Referer header" HTTP::respond 404 "Object not found." } } handle the /awd/ case if { [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/awd/"} { if the Referer header does not exist this is a hard-bookmarked or malicous request and it will be logged and rejected. if { [HTTP::header exists "Referer"] } { if { [HTTP::header "Referer"] equals "" } { log local0.warn "request for [HTTP::host][HTTP::uri] was dropped due to a null Referer header" HTTP::respond 404 content "Object not found." return } grab the query string from the Referer header set ref_uri [URI::query [HTTP::header Referer]] grab the Platform from the Referer header query string, if present if { [URI::query $ref_uri platform] ne "" } { set ref_Platform "[URI::query $ref_uri platform]/" } collect the CLIENT value from the Referer header query string, if present. if { [URI::query $ref_uri client] ne "" } { set ref_Client [URI::query $ref_uri client] } if there was a host value in the Referer query string, rewrite the Host header set orig_URI [HTTP::uri] if { [URI::query $ref_uri host] ne "" } { set ref_Host [URI::query $ref_uri host] log "rewriting Host header [HTTP::host] to $ref_Host" HTTP::header replace Host $ref_Host } rewrite the URI to /PLATFORM/CLIENT/OriginalURI set awd_uri "/${ref_Platform}${ref_Client}${orig_URI}" log "rewriting [HTTP::uri] to ${awd_uri}" HTTP::uri $awd_uri load-balance to the AWD Pool pool http_test } else { log local0.warn "request for [HTTP::host][HTTP::uri] was dropped due to a missing Referer header" HTTP::respond 404 content "Object not found." } } }
- Thanks Aaron! This is what I needed. I will make plans to test the logic.
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