Forum Discussion
Aug 30, 2011Cirrus
Parse errors
I am trying to fight the parse errors using the GUI and the iRule editor line by line, however I am getting stuck at line 8 using the iRule below for 10.x
Aug 30, 2011Cirrostratus
There were quite a few mismatched curly and square braces. Also, you need to use the keyword "content" with HTTP::respond. Can you try this? I haven't checked it fully for logic, but it loads at least.
logging for debug purposes. The following message in particular will place heavy load on the system. Remove for prod!
log "processing request for [HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]"
handle the */awdServer/* case.
if {[HTTP::uri] contains "/awdServer/"} {
if the Referer header does not exist this is a hard-bookmarked or malicious request and it will be logged and rejected.
if { [HTTP::header exists "Referer"] } {
if { [HTTP::header Referer] equals "" } {
log local0.warn "request for [HTTP::host][HTTP::uri] was dropped due to a null Referer header"
HTTP::respond 404 content "Object not found."
set ref_query [URI::query [HTTP::header "Referer"]]
set orig_query [HTTP::query]
set servlet [URI::query ${ref_query} servlet]
set awd_uri "${servlet}?${orig_query}&${ref_query}"
log "rewriting URI from [HTTP::uri] to ${awd_uri}"
HTTP::uri ${awd_uri}
} else {
log local0.warn "request for [HTTP::host][HTTP::uri] was dropped due to a missing Referer header"
HTTP::respond 404 "Object not found."
handle the /awd/ case
if { [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/awd/"} {
if the Referer header does not exist this is a hard-bookmarked or malicous request and it will be logged and rejected.
if { [HTTP::header exists "Referer"] } {
if { [HTTP::header "Referer"] equals "" } {
log local0.warn "request for [HTTP::host][HTTP::uri] was dropped due to a null Referer header"
HTTP::respond 404 content "Object not found."
grab the query string from the Referer header
set ref_uri [URI::query [HTTP::header Referer]]
grab the Platform from the Referer header query string, if present
if { [URI::query $ref_uri platform] ne "" } {
set ref_Platform "[URI::query $ref_uri platform]/"
collect the CLIENT value from the Referer header query string, if present.
if { [URI::query $ref_uri client] ne "" } {
set ref_Client [URI::query $ref_uri client]
if there was a host value in the Referer query string, rewrite the Host header
set orig_URI [HTTP::uri]
if { [URI::query $ref_uri host] ne "" } {
set ref_Host [URI::query $ref_uri host]
log "rewriting Host header [HTTP::host] to $ref_Host"
HTTP::header replace Host $ref_Host
rewrite the URI to /PLATFORM/CLIENT/OriginalURI
set awd_uri "/${ref_Platform}${ref_Client}${orig_URI}"
log "rewriting [HTTP::uri] to ${awd_uri}"
HTTP::uri $awd_uri
load-balance to the AWD Pool
pool http_test
} else {
log local0.warn "request for [HTTP::host][HTTP::uri] was dropped due to a missing Referer header"
HTTP::respond 404 content "Object not found."
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