Forum Discussion

ngockq's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Aug 25, 2023

Packet in/out not balancing between member in pool

Hi all,

I have a case about loadbalancing beetween member in pool: I have a pool and six member in this pool, I use LB method is round robin, do not using persistence profile. When Client outside connect to VS  and client push data traffic (data size or request is difference between clients) --> pool member: I check statisic real-time on this pool and i see

- connections is same between not member

- Packets in/out and bit in/out is not same beetween members

My question: does f5 operate rightly? and how to balancing packet in/out (bit in/out) beetween member in a pool and do i need some config ?

Thanks very much.

  • Hi ngockq , 

    Well , as long as this is not a HTTP Traffic, keep your eyes on Current connections on each pool member , not bits or Packets. 
    Bifgip loadbalances per TCP connection so that it's doesn't matter the size of this traffic on each connection. 

    So to make sure that your bigip loadbaance well and as expected , look at current connections. 

    > The bits/Packets are very useful when troubleshooting if there is packet loss between client and server side. 

  • ngockq bits in/out and packets in/out will never be symmetrical because typically communication is a request which might be 1 packet and then a response which would be data so probably 4 or more as an example.

  • Hi ngockq , 
    it should be worked well , as Bigip loadbalance TCP connections not depending on packet sizes. 

    Also take in your consideration HTTP1.1 Keep alive : which means same client who has an active connection through bigip will use the same flow or pool member ignoring loadbalancing as this client session still active in bigip connection table. 

    These all factors may show you this stats on your pool.

    • ngockq's avatar
      Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus


      Thanks, but It is tcp L4 connection, not http VS. Do i need some config for tcp keep alive?

      • Hi ngockq , 

        Well , as long as this is not a HTTP Traffic, keep your eyes on Current connections on each pool member , not bits or Packets. 
        Bifgip loadbalances per TCP connection so that it's doesn't matter the size of this traffic on each connection. 

        So to make sure that your bigip loadbaance well and as expected , look at current connections. 

        > The bits/Packets are very useful when troubleshooting if there is packet loss between client and server side.