Forum Discussion
Feb 28, 2013Nimbostratus
Order of operations
I'm looking at deplying ASM in our environment and we are pretty heavy on using irules for our Virtual servers. I'm looking for best practice with deploying ASM and irules...
- Is the best practice to not define a default pool for the HTTP_class? So that the http traffic will flow through the ASM module and if allowed then through the irule which would forward traffic as configured?
- Is best practice to enable ASM in the irule via the ASM::enable command?
- Or "it depends"? :)
Thanks in advance for your advise.
- Mike_MaherNimbostratusSo I have been running ASM for years now and I will tell you what my setup is, keep in mind we have separate hardware for ASM and LTM.
- TortiAltostratusHi,
- Leonardo_39231NimbostratusThanks for the replies! So if ASM and LTM are on the same hardware I was told that the traffic flow will go through the ASM first then drop to the irules as long as it was allowed by ASM. Is this not true? I'm struggling with that concept.
- JnonNimbostratusGood Question - as I'm researching the same thing, it has been my understanding thus far. The traffic hits the VS LTM decrypts SSL, ASM policy is applied, then iRules and LB decision.
- TortiAltostratusThe ASM policies is mapped to a http class. a class is mapped to a VS and can be selected in an irule, too.
- Mike_MaherNimbostratusSo where the iRules comes into play in all of this is actually dependant on how you code the iRule. iRules are resources of the Virtual Server but you write them to look for an "Event" before they fire. If you look at the wiki below you will see all the Events that are available and where in the process of traversing through the Big-IP each will fire.
- Leonardo_39231NimbostratusThanks Mike... that makes sense in the way you described that the irule would be trigged by an event. This article, for anyone interested, helped me solidify that understanding( I do still have a question though because the two events that I'm most concerned about are on the same line of that article.. HTTP_REQUEST & HTTP_CLASS_SELECTED. How do I know which one fires first? If my ASM HTTPClass is matching the uri "/abc" and I have an irule with the event "HTTP_REQUEST" matching the uri "/abc"... how would the LTM process this? I've been told that it will first go through the ASM policy then if no pool or redirect is defined it'll fall to the irule and follow the pool assigned in the irule.
- hooleylistCirrostratusHi Nando,
- Leonardo_39231NimbostratusThanks Aaron that pretty much answers my question... I mainly want to make sure whatever we defined to do with the "/abc" URI in the irule will still be applied when we turn on ASM. I believe what you are saying is if we don't define a default pool or redirect for the HTTP class then the LTM will forward traffic based on what's defined in the irule.
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