Feb 04, 2012Nimbostratus
Oracle Server Redirection Problem
Hi everyone,
I am using Oracle E-business suite 12 and currently I am trying to do the load balancing over my two servers using the F5 LTM . I am using https offloading for the Oracle setup on LTM units. Now a user tries to access the oracle application using http and it redirects the user initially to https and then there is a automatic redirection which gives the user browser direct communication between the Oracle server and the user browser as i can see the Https turning to http and there is no counter movement for any further traffice on LTM. I tried looking for everything but I can't figure out what is the problem is there anything I have to do on the Oracle servers as well??? Any help in this matter will be highly appreciated. If any one has faced such issue and knows the solution please help me out.