Forum Discussion

Mani090's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 23, 2024

Node/server is not showing on F5

Hello all , I am new in F5 and want to understand things how it is running on F5


While tracing a server it is showing me behind F5 with a vlan but when i logged to F5 and search this server in node list it is not showing there. So , be curious why this server is not showing there.


bash-2.03$ traceroute
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
 1 (  0.717 ms  0.540 ms  0.584 ms
 2  10.xx.xx.129 (  0.434 ms  0.343 ms (  0.342 ms
 3 (10.xx.x.26)  0.572 ms  0.481 ms  0.472 ms
 4  services-s.itsec.asb (10.xx.x.xx)  0.826 ms  0.887 ms  0.717 ms
 5 (  0.944 ms  0.907 ms  11.329 ms  <<------------- F5 and vlan
 6 (  1.323 ms  1.654 ms  1.469 ms





(tmos)# show ltm node
01020036:3: The requested Node (/Common/ was not found.

1 Reply

  • May be  its a virtual server not a node. otherwise the server is sitting behind F5 (gateway will be F5).We are creating node if we want to add this server for load balancing. If the server note using for load balancing, node not needed . Try a ping/treaceroute from LB if its not a virtual server.