Forum Discussion

Luca_55898's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 27, 2011

Monitor SNATs


Anyone know of a way to monitor SNATs?


Is there a session table that the F5 keeps or something similar?


  • Hamish's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
    What is is exactly that you're wanting to monitor? tcpdump isn't really what I'd call a monitoring tool in the same way as viewing a table... More of a diagnostics tool to see traffic as it flows



    From tmsh there's tmsh's 'show ltm snat' and 'show ltm snatpool', which will give you stats from the snag and snatpool...




    be aware also that tcpdump compromises the speed & performance of your unit, and is limited to 200pps max (It has to get all that data form the switch into the host and then perform the filtering.. That takes CPU and memory bandwidth).



  • b conn show using filters on the snat address is another option depending on number of connections.



  • If you want to "try" and combat any performance degradation tcpdump puts on your box, you can utilize the "nice" command.. A bit confusing so make sure you read thoroughly before using... as negative numbers actually increase the priority, higher numbers lower it..



    Here's a decent article laying the nice command out.. there is also "renice" for running processes


  • not sure if this is helpful. anyway, i like tcpdump. 😛

    [root@tulip:Active] config  b virtual
    No virtual servers were found.
    [root@tulip:Active] config  b snat list
    snat test {
       origins default inet
    [root@tulip:Active] config  b snat test
    SNAT test
    |     (cur, max, limit, tot) = (1, 1, 0, 5)
    |     (pkts,bits) in = (122, 95648), out = (122, 95648)
    +-> SNAT ORIG ADDR test/default inet
    |     AUTOMAP
    [root@tulip:Active] config  b conn protocol icmp show all
    VIRTUAL any:any <-> NODE   TYPE any
        CLIENTSIDE <->
            (pkts,bits) in = (126, 12348)   out = (126, 12348)
        SERVERSIDE <->
            (pkts,bits) in = (126, 12348)   out = (126, 12348)
        PROTOCOL icmp   UNIT 1   IDLE 1 (300)   LASTHOP 4094 00:0c:29:96:56:05