Forum Discussion

Ichnafi's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Feb 08, 2023

Modify vCMP-Guest with ansible not possible?

Hello fellow F5ers,

I try to build an ansible playbook that performs the following:

  1. Get Names of trunk from vCMP-Host ->  got it by using module bigip_device_info
  2. Create a new VLAN and add it to the trunk from 1. -> got it by using moule bigip_vlan
  3. Add the newly created VLAN to a vCMP-Guest -> nope...
    1. use module  bigip_vcmp_guest? Nope, only for creating new guests
    2. create vlan also on the guest using anisble? Nope, will not make VLAN usable in guest

So, is there no other way of modifying the available VLANs fpr a vCMP-Guest, than using the TMSH command to modify the guest and run it with ansible's bigip_command module? What about idempotency?


modify vcmp guest <guest-name> vlans add { <vlan-name> }





  • Ichnafi's avatar
    Feb 17, 2023

    Hello Matt_Mabis ,

    thank you for your answer.
    I can confirm, that one can add VLANs to a vcmp-guest like this, but:

    You have to list all the existing vlans next to the new one as well. You can't just add a new one. The module replaces all VLANs of the guest with the ones listed in the "vlans" section of the module.
    I find this rather awkward. To add a VLAN to a guest, without knowing or careing what VLANs were configured previosly you had to:

    1. Use module bigip_device_info to query information about all vCMP-guest on a vCMP-Host
    2. Filter the output by the name of the vCMP-Guest you like to update and get the list of currently configured vlans
    3. append the new vlan to the list
    4. apply the extended list to the guest


      guest_to_modify: "Guest1"
      vlan_tobe_added: "/Common/fancy-new-vlan"
      - name: Get vCMP-Guest Info
            - vcmp-guests
          provider: "{{ bigip_provider }}"
        register: device_info
        delegate_to: localhost
      - name: Filter for specific guest and build a list with new vlan
          list_current_vlans: "{{ device_info.vcmp_guests|selectattr('full_path', 'match', guest_to_modify) | map(attribute='vlans') }}"
          list_with_added_vlan: "{{ list_current_vlans[0] + [vlan_tobe_added] }}"
      - name: Add VLAN to vCMP-Guest
          name: "{{ guest }}"
          vlans: "{{ list_with_added_vlan }}"          
          provider: "{{ bigip_provider }}"
        delegate_to: localhost


     Anyway. I tested it and it worked for me. the abillity to just add a new vlan would be better i guess, but I'll take it.

    Thank you very much!

  • Hi Ichnafi  - I see that nobody has answered your question yet, so I'm featuring it in today's Community Highlights article as an unanswered question, and sharing this with a colleague for some help. 

  • Hey there Ichnafi!


    I Tested code out for myself and got it working with bigip_vcmp_guest, here is the code i used you can see the first and second tasks creates 2 VCMP Guest Instances and the 3rd task of code modifies the existing created VCMP Guest, no ping loss no packet drops from my testing.


    - hosts: localhost
      connection: local
      gather_facts: false
        - /git/vars/lab/vault.yml
      - name: Create a vCMP guest with specific VLANs
          name: foo
          mgmt_network: bridged
            - VLAN5
          initial_image: "BIGIP-"
            password: "{{ f5_password }}"
            user: "{{ f5_username }}"
            validate_certs: false
        delegate_to: localhost
      - name: Create a vCMP guest with specific VLANs
          name: Testbip
          mgmt_network: bridged
          initial_image: "BIGIP-"
            - VLAN2101
          state: configured
            password: "{{ f5_password }}"
            user: "{{ f5_username }}"
            validate_certs: false
        delegate_to: localhost
      - name: Modify a vCMP guest with specific VLANs
          name: foo
            - VLAN5
            - VLAN2101
            password: "{{ f5_password }}"
            user: "{{ f5_username }}"
            validate_certs: false
        delegate_to: localhost


    Output from Code Run

    Ansible Playbook Version - 2.14.1

    Ansible Galaxy Collection - 1.21.0

    • Ichnafi's avatar
      Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

      Hello Matt_Mabis ,

      thank you for your answer.
      I can confirm, that one can add VLANs to a vcmp-guest like this, but:

      You have to list all the existing vlans next to the new one as well. You can't just add a new one. The module replaces all VLANs of the guest with the ones listed in the "vlans" section of the module.
      I find this rather awkward. To add a VLAN to a guest, without knowing or careing what VLANs were configured previosly you had to:

      1. Use module bigip_device_info to query information about all vCMP-guest on a vCMP-Host
      2. Filter the output by the name of the vCMP-Guest you like to update and get the list of currently configured vlans
      3. append the new vlan to the list
      4. apply the extended list to the guest


        guest_to_modify: "Guest1"
        vlan_tobe_added: "/Common/fancy-new-vlan"
        - name: Get vCMP-Guest Info
              - vcmp-guests
            provider: "{{ bigip_provider }}"
          register: device_info
          delegate_to: localhost
        - name: Filter for specific guest and build a list with new vlan
            list_current_vlans: "{{ device_info.vcmp_guests|selectattr('full_path', 'match', guest_to_modify) | map(attribute='vlans') }}"
            list_with_added_vlan: "{{ list_current_vlans[0] + [vlan_tobe_added] }}"
        - name: Add VLAN to vCMP-Guest
            name: "{{ guest }}"
            vlans: "{{ list_with_added_vlan }}"          
            provider: "{{ bigip_provider }}"
          delegate_to: localhost


       Anyway. I tested it and it worked for me. the abillity to just add a new vlan would be better i guess, but I'll take it.

      Thank you very much!

      • Matt_Mabis's avatar
        Icon for Employee rankEmployee

        Totally understand where you are coming from, I think they would have had to create a different module for that scenario.   The removal of a vlan would have created complications against bigip_vcmp_guests module as a "absent" status trying to remove a vlan would probably tell the system to remove the entire guest not just a vlan.. 

        Glad you were able to figure out a solution.