Feb 08, 2023Cirrostratus
Modify vCMP-Guest with ansible not possible?
Hello fellow F5ers, I try to build an ansible playbook that performs the following: Get Names of trunk from vCMP-Host -> got it by using module bigip_device_info Create a new VLAN and add it to ...
- Feb 17, 2023
Hello Matt_Mabis ,
thank you for your answer.
I can confirm, that one can add VLANs to a vcmp-guest like this, but:You have to list all the existing vlans next to the new one as well. You can't just add a new one. The module replaces all VLANs of the guest with the ones listed in the "vlans" section of the module.
I find this rather awkward. To add a VLAN to a guest, without knowing or careing what VLANs were configured previosly you had to:- Use module bigip_device_info to query information about all vCMP-guest on a vCMP-Host
- Filter the output by the name of the vCMP-Guest you like to update and get the list of currently configured vlans
- append the new vlan to the list
- apply the extended list to the guest
vars: guest_to_modify: "Guest1" vlan_tobe_added: "/Common/fancy-new-vlan" tasks: - name: Get vCMP-Guest Info bigip_device_info: gather_subset: - vcmp-guests provider: "{{ bigip_provider }}" register: device_info delegate_to: localhost - name: Filter for specific guest and build a list with new vlan set_fact: list_current_vlans: "{{ device_info.vcmp_guests|selectattr('full_path', 'match', guest_to_modify) | map(attribute='vlans') }}" list_with_added_vlan: "{{ list_current_vlans[0] + [vlan_tobe_added] }}" - name: Add VLAN to vCMP-Guest bigip_vcmp_guest: name: "{{ guest }}" vlans: "{{ list_with_added_vlan }}" provider: "{{ bigip_provider }}" delegate_to: localhost
Anyway. I tested it and it worked for me. the abillity to just add a new vlan would be better i guess, but I'll take it.
Thank you very much!