trying to do the platform migration option with the UCS and running into the following issues , here is my output of the command. Its trying to load lacp configs however theyre not supported on my virtual
admin@(drf5app01)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Active)(/Common)(tmos)# load sys ucs drf5app01physical.ucs no-license platform-migrate
Replace all configuration on the system? (y/n) y
Processing UCS file: /var/local/ucs/drf5app01physical.ucs
Installing full UCS ( data, excluding license file.
Extracting manifest: /var/local/ucs/drf5app01physical.ucs
Product : BIG-IP
Platform: UCS : C112
System: Z100
Version : UCS :
Edition : UCS : Final
System: Point Release 4
Installing --full-- configuration on host
Installing configuration...
Running ucs_builtin_preprocess
Warning: The DB variables, PvaSynCookies.Virtual.ConnThresholdHigh and PvaSynCookies.Virtual.InvalidThreshold are obsoleted in 13.0.0. The configuration has been replaced by Dos.syncookiedeactivate.
Your previous configuration files have been archived, as listed
below. If you customized any settings in these files before
upgrading, you will need to manually restore those changes by
using the Configuration utility or Traffic Management Shell (tmsh).
Archiving /config/wa/pvsystem.dtd.
Archiving /config/wa/pvsystem.conf.
Archiving /config/wa/globalfragment.xml.
usermod: no changes
Reloading License and configuration - this may take a few minutes...
2020 Nov 13 12:53:55 drf5app01 logger: Re-starting snmpd
2020 Nov 13 12:54:06 drf5app01 load_config_files: "/usr/bin/tmsh -n -g load sys config partitions all platform-migrate" - failed. -- Loading schema version: Loading schema version: 01070712:3: Cannot get device index for Internal in rd0 - ioctl failed: No such device Unexpected Error: Loading configuration process failed.
2020 Nov 13 12:54:08 drf5app01 load_config_files: "/usr/bin/tmsh -n -g load sys config partitions all base " - failed. -- Loading schema version: Loading schema version: 01070687:3: Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) is not supported on this platform. Unexpected Error: Loading configuration process failed.
Configuration loading error: base-config-load-failed
For additional details, please see messages in /var/log/ltm
WARNING: There were one or more errors detected during installation.
Check the error messages and take the proper actions if needed.
ERROR: UCS installation failed.
Operation aborted.
Unexpected Error: UCS loading process failed.