Forum Discussion

Oly_r's avatar
Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus
Oct 31, 2022

Migrate Configs from 5250 to i5800, MINUS HOST specific

We have almost 30 f5 5250v's  that are being replaced by i5800's. we need to be able to copy the configuration from the old to the new. We need as much of the settings to include the interfaces and and account if possible. We set these systems up offline and test them then send to end site. Testing in our lab with local systems I have been trying with UCS and SCF files. Modifying the files to include the end system license and modifying the hostname and management IP for the all test. We have problems with invalid versions ( for the scf transfer attempts.  In the attempts for UCS transfer from cli the load command get the wonderfully descriptive error

load sys ucs <filename>
Unexpected Error: UCS loading process failed

  • Hello,

    First, it is better to migrate the configuration to the same software version that the devices (old devices) are currently running. Second point, since you are migrating to a different platform, you should check the below article.

    It is mentioned that you should run the load UCS command with the platform migrate option and no platform check along with no license check, because you should activate the licenses on the new boxes and not to used the old license from the old boxes.

    by using the above options in the load ucs command, you will need to go through the network settings on the new appliances and assign the vlans on the new interfaces.

    You cannot migrate with the same network interface settings, because each platform has a different scheme for interfaces.

    One more important point, you will not be able to load the ucs file without rekeying the new appliance, you can get the master key from the old box, and add this key the new box.



    Mohamed Salah

  • Hello,

    First, it is better to migrate the configuration to the same software version that the devices (old devices) are currently running. Second point, since you are migrating to a different platform, you should check the below article.

    It is mentioned that you should run the load UCS command with the platform migrate option and no platform check along with no license check, because you should activate the licenses on the new boxes and not to used the old license from the old boxes.

    by using the above options in the load ucs command, you will need to go through the network settings on the new appliances and assign the vlans on the new interfaces.

    You cannot migrate with the same network interface settings, because each platform has a different scheme for interfaces.

    One more important point, you will not be able to load the ucs file without rekeying the new appliance, you can get the master key from the old box, and add this key the new box.



    Mohamed Salah

    • Oly_r's avatar
      Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus

      Thanks, i was able to get the test systems migrated.

      I copied the bigip.license file from the destination system to the ucs used to migrate so that wasn't an issue. For the test system i changed the hostname and management ip in the bigip_base.config so it would allow the original and clone to be available at the same time. 

  • you can using platform-migraitio option 

    before load the ucs, you need same OS version of each device 

    after load ucs, you have to binding inerface at each vlan because this command erase interface information of vlan