Jun 01, 2012Nimbostratus
Microsoft RDS 2008 R2 on BIG IP LTM : Broker error
After reading a lot topic, microsoft RDS 2008 R2 deployement guide and f5-microsoft-remote-desktop-services guide for RDS 2008 R2, I'm still facing to a connection error.
When I try to add my RDSH farm as RemoteApp sources on the broker I have the following error :"Unable to connect to myrshfarm.xxx.net . Do you still want to add myrshfarm.xxx.netmyrshfarm.xxx.net as a RemoteApp source?". It seems that RDCB is not able to connect to the virtual IP of BIG IP pool.
I have this error when using F5 virtual IP or farm DNS name
For information:
I'm able to connect directly on each RDSH server using F5 virtual IP or myrshfarm.xxx.net. the session load-balancing is work on this way.
When I ping (from RDCB server) both F5 virtual IP and farm DNS name (myrshfarm.xxx.net), ping is successed.
farm DNS name is linked to F5 virtual IP adress