Forum Discussion
- JRahmAdminI'm not familiar with App-V, but these links might help you:
- jameshendergartHistoric F5 AccountHi igorm
- Ben_Parker_9095NimbostratusJames -
- jameshendergartHistoric F5 Account
Hi Ben!
Thanks for following up. We're still working on the official deployment guidance. Based on your request I asked the engineering team if we could get you something "rough" to tide you over.
I hope to have something for you in 1-2 days. Stay tuned here, thanks!
James Hendergart
F5 BDM for F5 partnership with Microsoft
- jameshendergartHistoric F5 Account
Here is a quick summary of port/protocols to configure to handle App-V traffic. F5 recommends configuring traffic to and from App-V servers through LTM instead of using direct server return.
- Pete_R_71474NimbostratusHi James,
- Pete_R_71474NimbostratusHello? Bueller?
- gmjoen_33163NimbostratusJames,
- Deltsigjoe_2168Nimbostratus
I too am in desperate need of info. We have set up the F5 but keep getting errors on the app v client side. - Bjarne_Jensaas_NimbostratusI'm also very interested in information on this. As I just got a request from a major customer that need help configuring LTM in a Microsoft App-V Environment.