Forum Discussion

lavila85's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Aug 31, 2023

Masking URL from diferent domains user autentication.

Hi guys.

I appreciate your support or suggestions to solve the following scenario:

We have a single website that has two login pages in different directories and that we use to authenticate two different clients, however they have asked us to mask the URL and for one of the clients the URL looks as if it were accessing from another domain .

1. Is it possible to do this URL masking?
2. What procedure should we carry out if possible?
3. Any alternative plan that can meet this requirement?

We appreciate your support or ideas. Thanks!!

  • Hi,

    Your question is not very clear and but in general you can mask an URL based on conditions, for example:

    • If a client comes (or does not come) from predefined subnet then block access to url /xyz

    Without more knwoledge of your app, it's difficult to give you suggestions, however you would better challenge the devs to build a good design of your app giving each client a dedicated endpoint, folders ...etc or have a single login page that can differentiate between clients giving them authorizations accordingly

    • lavila85's avatar
      Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

      Thank you guys for your time!.

      Let me explain it in more detail.

      We have a single website published on one IIS server called Q.

      Client 1: Enter by URL:

      Internal application path map: Qserverpath\clientfolder1\login.aspx

      Client 2: Enter by URL:

      Internal application path map: Qserverpath\clientfolder2\login.aspx


      Let client 2 enter its internal path but from the domain

      In other words hide the domain and replace it with and map internal folder path: Qserverpath\clientfolder2\login.aspx



      Thanks a lot!

      • I second Paulius, just google for IIS hosting multiple sites by host header. F5 by itself cannot tell the backend server what folder to choose other than by an intermediary mean using HTTP (e.g. host header), IIS then chooses the folder accordingly

  • lavila85 I'm with Amine_Kadimi on this one. We definitely need more information to provide you with more information that will be helpful. You can definitely mask the URI by performing a string map but the real question here is how are you mixing the two. If the client is able to do the other domain but with their path you most likely have the server listening for any FQDN for that directory which will allow the use of the URI to traverse the other clients app.

    • lavila85's avatar
      Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

      Hi Paulius Thank you for your time!.

      Let me explain it in more detail.

      We have a single website published on one IIS server called Q.

      Client 1: Enter by URL:

      Internal application path map: Qserverpath\clientfolder1\login.aspx

      Client 2: Enter by URL:

      Internal application path map: Qserverpath\clientfolder2\login.aspx


      Let client 2 enter its internal path but from the domain

      In other words hide the domain and replace it with and map internal folder path: Qserverpath\clientfolder2\login.aspx