Forum Discussion

Matt_100070's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 20, 2011

Management ViewZone and PTR records

This might be a dumb question but I've been racking my head on it for the majority of the afternoon and being a newbie to powershell I wanted to ask what the best way was to use the add_ptr() method? I was trying to instantiate an item of the ViewZone type like:




[$iControl.ManagementViewZone]$viewzones = (Get-F5.iControl).ManagementViewZone


but everytime I go to assign the view_names or the zone names it fails. Sorry if this is lacking any details, I've read over the documentation on the api page but I can't seem to get it to work. Can someone give me some advice?


  • Alright, so after working on this for a while, I think I got this to the point that it works. It doesn't look pretty, and I might not have everything quite right, but the below script creates a zone and a set of PTRs for reverse dns, in the same zone. I also developed a script to obtain the list of dns records of a given viewzone.



    add zone and resource records


    add-pssnapin iControlSnapin


    $ic = Initialize-f5.icontrol -hostname F5DEVICE -Credentials (Get-Credential)



    initialize static values


    $TTL = "7200"


    $PTRTTL = "86400"


    $REFRESH = "10800"








    $EXPIRE = "604800"


    $NEGATIVETTL = "8640"


    $RETRY = "3600"


    $INADDR = ""


    serial number value needs to be built, we'll use the current datetime value and build a serial based off of that


    $a = Get-Date


    [string]$SERIAL = [string]$year + [string]$month + [string]$day + [string]$hour


    [string]$hostmaster = "hostmaster"


    [string]$domain = ""


    [string[]]$nameservers = @("nameserver01", "nameserver02")



    build raw record objects


    [string[]] $ips = @()


    [string] $octet1 = Read-Host "First Octet"


    [string] $octet2 = Read-Host "Second Octet"


    [string] $octet3 = Read-Host "Third Octet"


    [string]$reverseip = $octet3 + "." + $octet2 + "." + $octet1



    build raw record objects


    $record1 += $reverseip + $INADDR + " " + $TTL + " " + $NSRECORD + " " + $nameservers[0] + $domain


    $record2 += $reverseip + $INADDR + " " + $TTL + " " + $SOARECORD + " " + $nameservers[1] + $domain + " " + $hostmaster + $domain + " " + $SERIAL + " " + $REFRESH + " " + $RETRY + " " + $EXPIRE + " " + $NEGATIVETTL


    $record3 += $reverseip + $INADDR + " " + $TTL + " " + $SOARECORD + " " + $nameservers[2] + $domain + " " + $hostmaster + $domain + " " + $SERIAL + " " + $REFRESH + " " + $RETRY + " " + $EXPIRE + " " + $NEGATIVETTL



    note each entry in the records object is a separate record, so the $records array must have at least two objects in it!!!


    [string[]]$standard1 = $record2, $record1


    [string[]]$standard2 = $record1, $record2, $record3



    build all the ptr records (255 of them)


    for ($i =0; $i -lt 256; $i++)




    [string]$value = [string]$i + "." + $reverseip + $INADDR + " " + $PTRTTL + " " + $PTRRECORD + " host-" + $octet1 + "-" + $octet2 + "-" + $octet3 + "-" + $i + ".ptr" + $domain


    $standard1 += $value





    build the text for the records object we will use to propagate all of the records


    [string[][]]$records = @($standard1, $standard2)



    build a masterBool object to let the zone object know if we want to sync the ptrs


    $masterBool = @()


    for ($c = 0; $c -lt 259; $c++)




    $masterBool += $false





    build our zone object


    $boguszone = New-Object -TypeName iControl.ManagementZoneInfo


    $boguszone.view_name = "external"


    $boguszone.zone_name = $reverseip + $INADDR


    $new_zi_zonetype = [iControl.ManagementZoneType] "Master"


    $boguszone.zone_type = $new_zi_zonetype


    $options = @("allow-update {






    $boguszone.option_seq = $options


    $boguszone.zone_file = "db.external." + $reverseip + $INADDR



    add our zone object to the F5


    (Get-F5.iControl).ManagementZone.add_zone_text($boguszone, $records, $masterBool)



    kill the icontrol object


    $ic = $null