Forum Discussion

systemnt_89646's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 24, 2011

Lync Director port 5060 -"the children pool members are down

Lync director LB is failing on port 5060 with "The children pool member(s) are down".


narrowing it down to the monitor marking it down, it is using the mon-tcp-default monitor, which is the same one being used for the port 5061 monitor for the directors , which is working fine.


any assistance would be greatly appreciated.



  • Posted By Prohead on 10/31/2011 07:41 AM


    Hi again :)


    I haven't changed the srv record yet, it still points to our ocs environment. We will change this on monday. However, when I did the testing I could configure my client with manual configuration, pointing it to one of our edge servers and that worked, even for port 443. I will do some more testing next week once the SRV record is changed. I'll let you know if we have any success in tihs. Just a side note, we are actually thinking of just revert to dns loadbalncing for Lync and only use the F5 for https lb until the iapp is released with a version that is more enterprise ready since the network team really wants to use this.




    Interesting. Our servers were rebooted over the weekend, and now I am able to connect with the client settings set to manual. I guess it just needed a reboot. Definitely some strange behavior, and I am sure we will see some hotfixes in the coming months. Please keep me updated, as it seems we get the best information from our peers who are actually using the product real world.



    Good luck, and regards,

