Forum Discussion
Jan 10, 2016Nimbostratus
LTM config issue
I am having an issue and would like your help on this. Below is my LTM network topology and it's working, but I am having one NEW issue when creating a new network ( for another set o...
Jan 11, 2016Historic F5 Account
Is the LTM connected to the same LAN segment as the servers on ?
Also, this may seem trivial, but windows servers tend to not respond to ping by default, so make sure that this is not your problem (you can test http connection instead)
Jan 11, 2016Historic F5 Account
back up a little.
What vlan is "internal"? Is it tagged? What vlan is supposed to be on? Have you assigned the self-IPs to the correct vlan?
It's difficult to guess what's going on, except to suspect that you may have added the IP to the wrong vlan (if they are directly connected to the same lan segment), or if they are not directly connected, then you don't have a route configured or the router is not configured to forward the packets it's getting.
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