Forum Discussion

Bryan_A's avatar
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Oct 15, 2014

LTM 11.5 how to change ssmtp root email destination

Hello, We have LTM v11.5.0 and would like to change the destination for root's email. I found a solution for v10.x that would allow you to edit /etc/aliases, but my understanding is that ssmtp (which is used in v11) does not read this file. I was tempted to change the "root=postmaster" line in /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf but I wasn't sure if that was supported/would persist since typically you would want to change this kind of parameter with a "tmsh modify sys" command. Thanks for any guidance.


  • Hey Bryan. I'm not aware of a tmsh command. As far as I know; to configure email delivery of alerts edit the /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf file and enter the hostname or IP address of a suitable SMTP server as the mailhub= variable value.


  • Thanks for the replies. I've got the smtp server set and that is working fine but the issue is that email destined for "root" is being sent to "postmaster@hostname". I'm looking for the equivalent functionality that is achieved by editing the /etc/aliases file and changing the "root: " line. It seems odd to need an iRule to do this, and looking at it, I don't think it's what I'm looking for.


  • Hello All,


    ;). Just put some magic in the alias file like this:


    echo "" >> /etc/ssmtp/revaliases


    and test it with


    echo "ssmtp test mail" | mail -vs "Lalalal this is my lalala song"