Forum Discussion

wtwagon_99154's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 21, 2011

Looking to direct users to a server based upon URI

I'm an iRules and coding rookie, but I am trying to complete the following:



User will try to hit:



Where the TTT can be one of the following:



Server A: 111, 254, 115, 114, 860, 103


Server B: 101, 219, 104, 759, 102, 725


Server C: 107, C27, 119, C28, D01, 633



If the link is, send to server A


If the link is, send to server B


If the link is, send to server C



I figured the best way to accomplish this would be creating a class with those string values in it.



I created two string classes called qml01 and qml02 (third server isn' t available yet), and put the string in each (and nothing for value)



I then created an iRule to do the following:





if { [matchclass [HTTP::uri] contains $..qml01] } {


log local


pool qml01.80


} elseif { [matchclass [HTTP::uri] contains $..qml02] } {


pool qml02.80







I was expecting the iRule to look at the class for a number, i.e. 111, and redirect to server one. However, I think I am off in my way of thinking a bit - as it didn't appear to work.



Log output is as follows:



TCL error: xxx Invalid matchclass operands - no class or list type found, this: string, rhs: $..qml01 (line 1) invoked from within "matchclass [HTTP::uri] contains $..qml01



Wanted to see if someone could point me in the right direction on completing my iRule. I appreciate the help.




  • Since you're not doing too many matches against the data, why not use switch instead?

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
     set default_pool [LB::server pool]
     if { [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] starts_with "/httm_" } {
      switch [string tolower [string range $test 6 8] ] {
       "111" -
       "254" -
       "115" -
       "114" -
       "860" -
       "103" {
         pool qml01.80
       "101" -
       "219" -
       "104" -
       "759" -
       "102" -
       "725" {
         pool qml02.80
       "107" -
       "c27" -
       "119" -
       "c28" -
       "d01" -
       "633" {
         pool qml03.80
       default {
         pool $default_pool
     } else {
      pool $default_pool
    This will switch pools based on the 3 characters in URIs that begin with "/httm_" while setting to the default pool for everything else.
  • Thanks.



    Yes, I was looking at switch too just a moment ago.



    I ended up changing my iRule to this:



    when HTTP_REQUEST {


    if { [class match [HTTP::uri] contains "qml01"] } {


    log local


    pool qml01.80


    } elseif { [matchclass [HTTP::uri] contains "qml02"] } {


    pool qml02.80







    This rule also appears to be working - looks like I had some syntax errors.
  • Thanks.



    Yes, I was looking at switch too just a moment ago.



    I ended up changing my iRule to this:



    when HTTP_REQUEST {


    if { [class match [HTTP::uri] contains "qml01"] } {


    log local


    pool qml01.80


    } elseif { [matchclass [HTTP::uri] contains "qml02"] } {


    pool qml02.80







    This rule also appears to be working - looks like I had some syntax errors.
  • Hi WT,



    matchclass is used to check if a string, digit or address/subnet is part of a datagroup. It shouldn't be used to check one string against another.



    I suggest either using Joel's switch example, or a standard string comparison to do this instead. Joel's example should be the simplest to maintain if and when the URIs need to be updated.


