Forum Discussion

THE_BLUE's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Aug 17, 2023

localdbmgr DOWN

The /var partion is almost full and i access through cli and i noticed that localdbmgr DOWN config # , what is this? and how to fix it ? and does this service may cause the /var is almost full ? because i faced /var issue in one appliance only where the localdbmgr DOWN .

where in the second appliance the /var is good and i have not seen this localdbmgr DOWN  in cli.


    • THE_BLUE's avatar
      Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

      Thank you for your response.

      actully i have 2 applaince and both with the same resources , size and so on. the issue of var is in one appliance where the localdbmgr is down . so my indication was , this service might cause /var to be full .


      is it save to restart localdbmgr ?