Forum Discussion
Jan 24, 2012link controller load balancing on multiple criteria
Hello,i have a LC and i was requested to perform load balancing based on multiple criteria
1- source ip address
2- destination ip address
3- destination port
4- specific websites
5- specific patern bits in the packet (can this be done?????)
i am using the irule below but it is giving an error "command is not valid in current event context (CLIENT_ACCEPTED)] [HTTP::uri]"
How i can fix this issue??
However, how can i see the utilization of each link? which ip address (source or destination) is using the link?
if {([IP::addr [IP::local_addr] equals ""]) or ([IP::addr [IP::local_addr] equals ""])}{
pool source_ip_pool
snat automap
persist dest_addr
elseif {([ IP::addr [IP::remote_addr] equals ""]) or ([HTTP::uri] equals "")}{
pool boomerange
snat automap
elseif {([TCP::remote_port] equals 20) or ([TCP::remote_port] equals 21)}
pool fw
snat automap
persist dest_add
else {
pool default_pool
persist dest_add
Thank you and Regards,
- hoolio
Hi George,
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