Forum Discussion
Nov 29, 2011Nimbostratus
Here is my rewrite based on the approach I mentioned above. I have not had a chance to test it yet so I apologize if there is something obvious wrong with it. I will test it later today but based on the examples in the link posted by spark I think this is a better approach. After I have a chance to run it I will let you know whether the log entries go away and whether it appears to otherwise work okay.
Please let me know if you see any issues with this approach. I really appreciate the help.
when RULE_INIT {
The maximum number of TCP connections to the virtual server from a single client IP address
set static::max_connections_per_ip 1000
Table name (will later be appended with VS name)
set static::tbl "vsratelimit"
If client IP is exempted skip the rest of the rule and return
if {[class match [IP::client_addr] equals concurrent_sessions_exemptions]} {
Set the key to the client TCP port
set key "[TCP::client_port]"
Append the VS name and client IP to the end of the table name
set tbl ${static::tbl}_[virtual name]_[IP::client_addr]
Check if over the max connection limit and if so reject
if {[table keys -subtable $tbl -count] >= $static::max_connections_per_ip} {
Reject the connection
event CLIENT_CLOSED disable
log local0. "Connection rejected for [IP::client_addr], max connections exceeded"
} else {
Connection accepted, add key for client port
table set -subtable $tbl $key 1 180
log local0. "Entry added to $tbl for $key"
Set timer to keep key alive, if connection dies without CLIENT_CLOSED the
timer will die and the timeout on the key will cause it to be removed
set timer [after 60000 -periodic { table lookup -subtable $tbl $key }]
If client IP is exempted skip the rest of the rule and return
if {[class match [IP::client_addr] equals concurrent_sessions_exemptions]} {
Set the key to the client IP
set key "[TCP::client_port]"
Append the VS name to the end of the table name
set tbl ${static::tbl}_[virtual name]_[IP::client_addr]
Remove the timer
after cancel $timer
Clear the table entry
table delete -subtable $tbl $key
log local0. "Table $tbl entry deleted for $key"