Forum Discussion

sk_330490's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 15, 2017

License reactivation during vCMP host upgradation

Hello Folks,


Need help. I am planning to upgrade the vCMP host from version 11.4.x to 12.1.2 HF1. I compared the License Check date for the new version of software and the Service Check date on my current license. Service Check date is later thank the License check dates.


2 questions here Is it still mandatory to re-activate the license if am ok from above perspective? While reactivating the license, will I require the original license key for the device to re-license again. Or will it appear automatically when I try to re-license? Has anyone done this task if you can share what you did it will be great.


Thanks in Advance


  • Is it still mandatory to re-activate the license if am ok from above perspective? Always best practice is reactivate license before upgrade


    While reactivating the license, will I require the original license key for the device to re-license again. Or will it appear automatically when I try to re-license?


    If you have valid support contact from F5 vendor, just go ahead and reactivate license with existing license key (No need to update it will show automatically).


    Please let me know any more information is required