Forum Discussion

jwlarger's avatar
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Sep 27, 2019

Legacy iRule generating constant error logs

This iRule is verbatim from DevCentral 4 or 5 years ago.



  # Check if the client IP address is a node in the VIP's default pool and active

  if {[matchclass [IP::client_addr] equals [active_nodes -list [LB::server pool]]]}{


   # log local0. "SNAT'ing for [IP::client_addr], member of pool [LB::server pool]"

   snat automap




I see the following errors (tens of thousands per day):


Sep 27 04:02:42 slot1/someltm err tmm1[17681]: 01220001:3: TCL error: /Common/SNAT_Real_To_VIP <CLIENT_ACCEPTED> - invalid matchclass operands - no class or list type foun

d, lhs: ip, rhs: (line 2)   invoked from within "matchclass [IP::client_addr] equals [active_nodes -list [LB::server pool]]"


I understand that matchclass was deprecated and should be replaced by 'class match', but I am unable to find a ref for updating the rule to eliminate the constant errors for 11.6.3.



  • Hi


    Matchclass or class match are used to compare against Data Groups but I don't see one defined in your code and the error being returned indicates the same. Therefore, try this


      # Check if the client IP address is a node in the VIP's default pool and active
      if {[IP::client_addr] equals [active_nodes -list [LB::server pool]]}{
       # log local0. "SNAT'ing for [IP::client_addr], member of pool [LB::server pool]"
       snat automap