Forum Discussion

elfasso_137228's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 21, 2015

LDAP via iAPP <> timeout problems

Hi,   I set up loadbalancing for LDAP a while ago. I am using the LDAP iAPP on my pair of viprion guests (11.6.0 HF5).   The LDAP guys are now experiencing problems with their LDAP sessions tim...
  • Fred_Slater_856's avatar
    Oct 21, 2015

    The iApp attaches a tcp profile to the ldap virtual, with a default timeout of 300 seconds. It's a good bet that you could solve your problem by extending that. You can customize that tcp profile either by changing the iApp code or by (gulp) turning off strictness and changing the profile directly. The problem with the latter is that it will change back if you ever use the iApp again. Here's how to do things right by modifying the iApp.


    1. Go to the iApp templates menu and click on the f5.ldap iApp.
    2. Click the "Copy" button at the bottom of the window, below all of the iApp code.
    3. You should see "Copy_of_f5.ldap" in the Template name field. Rename it if you wish.
    4. Search the page (cntl-f) for the words "create ltm profile tcp". There are 4 occurrences--2 relevant to the client side and 2 relevant to the server side. The code makes it obvious which is which, even if you don't read Tcl.
    5. To set the timeout to 1800 seconds, on the line after each occurrence, before the right square bracket, add the words "idle-timeout 1800". The first one should look like: default-from tcp-lan-optimized idle-timeout 1800] }
    6. Save
    7. Navigate to your deployed iApp and click the Reconfigure tab.
    8. Next to the Template field, click "Change" and select the template that you just modified.
    9. Click Finished to redeploy the iApp with the new timeout values.