Forum Discussion

Angel_Martinez_'s avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 19, 2010

LB::server pool




I've this iRule running in two different boxes:



rule iRule_Sorry_Redirect {


when LB_FAILED {


if { [active_members [LB::server pool]] < 1 } {


HTTP::fallback "http://sorry-[HTTP::header host]"









On 6800 9.4.8 HF4 box is set up for 27 Virtuals without any problem at the /var/log/ltm. And the statistics says:



RULE iRule_Sorry_Redirect


+-> LB_FAILED 5042 total 0 fail 0 abort





But on the 6900 also 9.4.8 HF4 is only set up for 1 Virtual with this continous message at the log file:



Nov 19 08:47:18 tmm1 tmm1[2141]: 01220001:3: TCL error: iRule_Sorry_Redirect - no such pool Failed Tcl_pool_GetFromObj: pool (line 1) invoked from within "active_members [LB::server pool]"



RULE iRule_Sorry_Redirect


+-> LB_FAILED 269 total 269 fail 0 abort



It could be related with the CMP feature? On BIG-IP 6800 boxes CMP is not supported meanwhile on BigIP 6900 is working with this feature by default. I can read this from the 9.4.8 Release Notes:



Global variable in iRule and CMP (CR93820)


In this release, if an iRule containing a global variable is removed from a virtual server, the virtual server is eligible for full Clustered Multi-Processing (CMP), rather than remaining relegated to a single Traffic Management Microkernel (TMM).



So am I using a Global variable at my iRule ¿? any idea about my problem ¿?



Thanks in advanced.









  • I'd start off by logging.

    rule iRule_Sorry_Redirect {
       when LB_FAILED {
       log local0. "Pool was [LB::server pool]"
      if { [active_members [LB::server pool]] < 1 } {
        HTTP::fallback "http://sorry-[HTTP::header host]"
    That'll log to the LTM logs. You aren't using any variables in your rule.
  • As I think about this more, I don't understand how LB::server pool can be used from LB_FAILED even though the wiki page says it can be. Let's see the value you log I guess...



  • Yeah, I'm not sure whether LB::server pool would return the VS default pool in LB_FAILED. If it doesn't, you could save the name of the pool in CLIENT_ACCEPTED and then reference that variable in LB_FAILED. Similarly, I don't know if HTTP::host would be available then either.

       set default_pool [LB::server pool]
    when HTTP_REQUEST {
       if {[HTTP::host] eq ""}{
          set host [IP::local_addr]
       } else {
          set host [HTTP::host]
    when LB_FAILED {
       if { [active_members $default_pool] < 1 } {
          HTTP::fallback "http://sorry-$host"

  • Thank you people!!!



    I've been some days out of the office and I didn't check the answers... as soon as I can I'll try your advices...



    Thanks again!


  • Hi



    I had time to test...



    $default_pool is always which is the default pool of the virtual server. So, I should use the event CLIENT_ACCEPTED to be sure that iRule manages the correct pool it a great idea.



    I'm going to set up on the production enviroment this iRule:



    rule Sorry-Redirect {




    set default_pool [LB::server pool]





    when LB_FAILED {


    if { [active_members [LB::server pool]] < 1 } {


    HTTP::fallback "http://sorry-[HTTP::header host]"









    I've tried on the pre-production enviroment but I need load to be sure that works right.


  • Hi !



    It seems to be working right:



    :Active] ~ b rule iRule_Sorry_Redirect list


    rule iRule_Sorry_Redirect {




    set default_pool [LB::server pool]





    when LB_FAILED {


    if { [active_members $default_pool] < 1 } {


    HTTP::fallback "http://sorry-[HTTP::header host]"








    Active] ~ b rule iRule_Sorry_Redirect


    RULE iRule_Sorry_Redirect


    +-> CLIENT_ACCEPTED 7667 total 0 fail 0 abort


    +-> LB_FAILED 5 total 0 fail 0 abort


  • Hi Angel,



    Thanks for posting the results of your testing. Glad the last version is working for you.



  • Aaron -should CLIENT_ACCEPTED be added to the events from which LB::server pool can be called? The wiki page doesn't list it.