Forum Discussion

amir_'s avatar
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Oct 24, 2024

Application redirection

Hollo Community 

We are creating an application in F5(legacy app). The application need to working on port 443 and we created a vip with port 443. When login in to the application it's redirecting to port 7900 and the connection got refused as we are not having a vip(on port 7900). Application team need secure connection towards vip and 7900 vip with pool creation not a suggested solution 


For example, if we try application in it's working and getting the login page. After providing login credentials it's redirecting to and blocking

After login I removed 7900 and refresh it's working as logged session.


Need your suggestion how I can establish secure connection for this vip all communication. If any 7900 traffic in browser it's should forward to port 443 .


  • Please use the F5 inbuild irule 

