AS3 Json for pool creation
I'm new with AS3 and I'd like to create a pool on a partition .
I used the following Json file :
Fred-As3-Pool1 | 4 | LABO-PART/AppName |
Is it a way to avoid using the Application class in the json so that my pool is located in the LABO-PART and not under LABO-PART/AppName ?
When looking at our Common partition where all our pool that have been created using the GUI, they are in the common partition without a specific path.
Don't know why Json require to have the application name as path. Is it a standard in Json ?
How to create a pool using json AS3 without being obliged to user APplication class ?
Thanks in advance.
Have you seen ?
Does BIG-IP AS3 support multi-tenancy?
- Yes, BIG-IP AS3 creates and uses additional partitions to enable multi-tenancy
- BIG-IP AS3 ONLY writes to the Common partition when you specifically use the Common tenant with the Shared application (/Common/Shared); see the next FAQ entry
- BIG-IP AS3 writes to the Common partition as required for some GSLB configurations
- BIG-IP AS3 does NOT have access to tenants/partitions other than those it creates and /Common