Forum Discussion

Lemaire_Frédéri's avatar
Jan 06, 2023

AS3 Json for pool creation


I'm new with AS3 and I'd like to create a pool on a partition .

I used the following Json file :

   "class": "AS3",
   "action": "deploy",
   "persist": true,
   "declaration": {
    "class": "ADC",
    "schemaVersion": "3.41.0",
    "id": "Pool",
        "LABO-PART": {
            "class": "Tenant",
            "AppName": {
                "class": "Application",
                "Fred-As3-Pool1": {
                    "class": "Pool",
                    "members": [
                            "servicePort": 8080,
                            "addressDiscovery": "static",
                            "serverAddresses": [
                            "servers": [
                                    "name": "",
                                    "address": ""
                                    "name": "",
                                    "address": ""
This file works when executing the POST to the AS3 of my F5 Bigip but it create the pool with the following path :

Fred-As3-Pool1  4LABO-PART/AppName

Is it a way to avoid using the Application class in the json so that my pool is located in the LABO-PART and not under LABO-PART/AppName ?

When looking at our Common partition where all our pool that have been created using the GUI, they are in the common partition without a specific path.

Don't know why Json require to have the application name as path. Is it a standard in Json ? 

How to create a pool using json AS3 without being obliged to user APplication class ?

Thanks in advance.





  • Have you seen ?


    Does BIG-IP AS3 support multi-tenancy?

    • Yes, BIG-IP AS3 creates and uses additional partitions to enable multi-tenancy
    • BIG-IP AS3 ONLY writes to the Common partition when you specifically use the Common tenant with the Shared application (/Common/Shared); see the next FAQ entry
    • BIG-IP AS3 writes to the Common partition as required for some GSLB configurations
    • BIG-IP AS3 does NOT have access to tenants/partitions other than those it creates and /Common

6 Replies

  • Have you seen ?


    Does BIG-IP AS3 support multi-tenancy?

    • Yes, BIG-IP AS3 creates and uses additional partitions to enable multi-tenancy
    • BIG-IP AS3 ONLY writes to the Common partition when you specifically use the Common tenant with the Shared application (/Common/Shared); see the next FAQ entry
    • BIG-IP AS3 writes to the Common partition as required for some GSLB configurations
    • BIG-IP AS3 does NOT have access to tenants/partitions other than those it creates and /Common
    • Leslie_Hubertus's avatar
      Ret. Employee

      Hey Lemaire_Frédéri  - I'm going to mark this as the Accepted Solution so future users with the same questions can easily find the answer. If the answer didn't help you, let me know and I'll revoke the status. 

