Forum Discussion
issues to set cookie with IE only
- Mar 17, 2017
The Expires attribute in a cookie is not supposed to be an integer.
You can check this in RFC 6265.
I haven't tested this code, but I believe it is closer to what you're looking for.
when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [SSL::cipher version] eq "TLSv1" } { if { not ( [HTTP::cookie exists TLSDISABLE] ) } { set expires [clock format [expr { [clock seconds] + 28800 } ] -format "%a, %d-%b-%Y %T GMT" -gmt 1] HTTP::respond 302 Location "" "Set-Cookie" "TLSDISABLE=good; path=/; Expires=${expires}; Secure; HttpOnly" } } }
The Expires attribute would look something like this Expires=Sat, 18-Mar-2017 05:32:54 GMT
The Expires attribute in a cookie is not supposed to be an integer.
You can check this in RFC 6265.
I haven't tested this code, but I believe it is closer to what you're looking for.
if { [SSL::cipher version] eq "TLSv1" } {
if { not ( [HTTP::cookie exists TLSDISABLE] ) } {
set expires [clock format [expr { [clock seconds] + 28800 } ] -format "%a, %d-%b-%Y %T GMT" -gmt 1]
HTTP::respond 302 Location "" "Set-Cookie" "TLSDISABLE=good; path=/; Expires=${expires}; Secure; HttpOnly"
The Expires attribute would look something like this Expires=Sat, 18-Mar-2017 05:32:54 GMT
- Madiw_114772Mar 18, 2017Nimbostratus
Jeremy, Thank you for your quick answer. Your suggestion seems to be working correctly. I will just observe the behavior in 8 hours, in case....
- Jeremy_Church_3Mar 18, 2017Cirrus
Glad to hear it's working so far. I'm interested in knowing how how it turns out.
If you didn't find it already there was a typo in the iRule above before I updated the answer. There was a semi-colon after the URL in the Location header value.
- Madiw_114772Mar 18, 2017Nimbostratus
I tested today and everything works fine.
Thank you very much
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