Issue when deploying F5-Analytics app using template to send logs to SPLUNK
I followed the steps in these F5 links:
After STEP 17 (Under Application Mapping, leave all settings at their default values, except in the Mapping Table, enter the following:) I CLICK "Finished" I receive this error:
“script did not successfully complete: (01070734:3: Configuration error: Invalid mcpd context, folder not found (/Common/”
I noticed the template created several objects in configurations such as nodes, pool, virtual servers, etc. After about 10 hours and I still do not see any data in the Virtual Servers statistics and analytics, perhaps because of the error already mentioned.
I did a search and found this F5 article that seems to address the issue:
But the links provided in the article are not working. It says the recommended action is:
"Redeploy the ASO-Application Service Object- that failed before deploying additional ASOs. You can use the Python script on a Linux host. The Python script and iApp templates are available for download at the following locations:"
If the answer is to redeploy it using script, questions:
- Where to find that script? and instructions in how to run it
Any other suggestion to solve this issue is appreciated.
Hi John,
I don't know much about the splunk integration. I found the Python script and readme files on a different github link.
I've added them here as link can change/remove.
#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2017 F5 Networks, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # -- Deploy an iApp to a BIG-IP system using the iControl-REST API # Documentation: see README.deploy_iapp_bigip import requests try: requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() except: pass import json import argparse import os import sys import pprint import time pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2) ''' Recursively process a JSON object. Parent files are specified by the 'parent' key in the JSON object Values in the 'child' file take precedence ''' def process_file(parent, child, indent): print "[info] %sprocessing parent file \"%s\"" % (indent, parent) try: parent_file = open(parent) except IOError as error: print "[error] Open of parent JSON template \"%s\" failed: %s" % (parent, error) sys.exit(1) try: parentdict = json.load(parent_file) except (ValueError, NameError) as error: print "[error] JSON format error in template \"%s\": %s" % (parent, error) sys.exit(1) parent_file.close() # Recursion happens here if 'parent' in parentdict: parentdict = process_file(parentdict["parent"], parentdict, indent + " ") # Process the child objects 'strings' and 'tables' keys. child_strings = {} child_tables = {} debug("[%s] starting merge" % (parent)) if 'strings' in child: for string in child["strings"]: k, v = string.popitem() debug("[%s] child: %s" % (parent, k)) child_strings[k] = v if 'tables' in child: i = 0 for table in child["tables"]: debug("[%s] iapptable %s" % (parent, table["name"])) child_tables[table["name"]] = i i += 1 # Merge with the parent dictionary giving precedence to the child's values if 'strings' in parentdict: for string in parentdict["strings"]: k, v = string.popitem() if k in child_strings.keys(): string[k] = child_strings[k] debug("[%s] OVERRIDE: %s: %s" % (parent, k, string[k])) else: string[k] = v if 'tables' in parentdict: i = 0 for table in parentdict["tables"]: if table["name"] in child_tables.keys(): debug("[%s] OVERRIDE TABLE: %s" % (parent, table["name"])) parentdict["tables"][i] = child["tables"][child_tables[table["name"]]] i += 1 if 'lists' in parentdict: i = 0 for alist in parentdict["lists"]: if alist["name"] in child_tables.keys(): debug("[%s] OVERRIDE LIST: %s" % (parent, alist["name"])) parentdict["lists"][i] = child["lists"][child_tables[alist["name"]]] i += 1 # Inherit any other top level keys for topitem in child.keys(): debug("topitem=%s" % topitem) if not topitem in ["tables", "strings"]: parentdict[topitem] = child[topitem] return parentdict def debug(msg): if args.debug: print "DEBUG: %s" % (msg) def check_final_deploy(istat_key): if args.nocheck: return(1) current_time = int(time.time()) bashurl = "https://%s/mgmt/tm/util/bash" % ( istat_payload = { "command":"run", "utilCmdArgs":"-c 'tmsh run cli script appsvcs_get_istat \"%s\"'" % (istat_key) } for i in range(args.checknum): print "[info] checking for deployment completion (%s/%s)..." % ((i+1), args.checknum) resp =, data=json.dumps(istat_payload)) if resp.status_code != print "ERROR: %s" % (resp.json()) sys.exit(1) respdict = json.loads(resp.text) result = respdict.get('commandResult') result = result.replace('\n','') debug("[check_deploy] current_time=%s result=%s" % (current_time, result)) if result.startswith("FINISHED_"): parts = result.split('_') fin_time = int(parts[1]) if fin_time > current_time: return(1) time.sleep(args.checkwait) return(0) # Setup and process arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Script to deploy an iApp to a BIG-IP device') parser.add_argument("host", help="The IP/Hostname of the BIG-IP device") parser.add_argument("json_template", help="The JSON iApp definition file") parser.add_argument("-u", "--username", help="The BIG-IP username") parser.add_argument("-p", "--password", help="The BIG-IP password") parser.add_argument("-d", "--dontsave", help="Don't automatically save the config", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-r", "--redeploy", help="Redeploy an existing iApp", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-D", "--debug", help="Enable debug output", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-n", "--nocheck", help="Don't check for deployment completion", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-c", "--checknum", help="Number of times to check for deployment completion", default=10, type=int) parser.add_argument("-w", "--checkwait",help="Delay in seconds between each deployment completion check", default=6, type=int) args = parser.parse_args() print "[info] processing template \"%s\"" % (args.json_template) try: iapp_file = open(args.json_template) except IOError as error: print "[error] Open of JSON template \"%s\" failed: %s" % (args.json_template, error) sys.exit(1) try: iapp = json.load(iapp_file) except (ValueError, NameError) as error: print "[error] JSON format error in template \"%s\": %s" % (args.json_template, error) sys.exit(1) iapp_file.close() if 'parent' in iapp: final = process_file(iapp["parent"], iapp, " ") else: final = iapp if args.username: if 'username' in final: print "[info] Username found in JSON but specified on CLI, using CLI value" final["username"] = args.username if args.password: if 'password' in final: print "[info] Password found in JSON but specified on CLI, using CLI value" final["password"] = args.password # Required fields required = ['name','template_name','partition','username','password','inheritedDevicegroup','inheritedTrafficGroup','deviceGroup','trafficGroup'] for item in required: if not item in final: print "[error] The required key \"%s\" was not found in the JSON template (or it's parent(s))" % (item) sys.exit(1) debug("final=%s" % pp.pformat(final)) # Set our REST urls iapp_url = "https://%s/mgmt/tm/sys/application/service" % ( save_url = "https://%s/mgmt/tm/sys/config" % ( template_url = "https://%s/mgmt/tm/sys/application/template?$select=name" % ( iapp_exist_url = "%s/" % (iapp_url, final["partition"], final["name"], final["name"]) bash_url = "https://%s/mgmt/tm/util/bash" % ( # Create request session, set credentials, allow self-signed SSL cert s = requests.session() s.auth = (final["username"], final["password"]) s.verify = False time_payload = { "command":"run", "utilCmdArgs":"-c 'date +%s'" } resp =, data=json.dumps(time_payload)) if resp.status_code == 401: print "[error] Authentication to %s failed" % ( sys.exit(1) systimejson = json.loads(resp.text) systime = systimejson.get('commandResult') systime = systime.replace('\n','') debug("[check_time] %s" % systime) delta = time.time() - int(systime) debug("[check_time] delta=%s" % delta) if delta > 10: print "[error] Time delta between local system and BIG-IP is %s. Limit is 10 seconds. Please ensure time is synced" % delta sys.exit(1) resp = s.get(template_url) templates = resp.json(); tmpllist = [] for item in templates["items"]: if item["name"].startswith("appsvcs_integration_"): debug("[template_list] found template named %s" % (item["name"])) tmpllist.append(item["name"]) debug("[template_select] specified=%s" % (final["template_name"])) if final["template_name"] == "latest": tmpllist.sort() final["template_name"] = tmpllist.pop() debug("[template_select] selected=%s" % (final["template_name"])) else: if not final["template_name"] in tmpllist: print "[error] iApp template \"%s\" is not installed on BIG-IP host %s" % (final["template_name"], sys.exit(1) deploy_payload = { "inheritedDevicegroup": final["inheritedDevicegroup"], "inheritedTrafficGroup": final["inheritedTrafficGroup"], "deviceGroup": final["deviceGroup"], "trafficGroup": final["trafficGroup"], "template": final["template_name"], "partition": final["partition"], "name": final["name"], "variables": [], "tables": [], "lists":[] } for string in final["strings"]: k, v = string.popitem() deploy_payload["variables"].append({"name":k, "value":v}) deploy_payload["tables"] = final["tables"] deploy_payload["lists"] = final["lists"] # Check to see if the template with the name specified in the arguments exists on the BIG-IP device debug("exist_url=%s" % iapp_exist_url) resp = s.get(iapp_exist_url) # The template exists and the -o argument (overwrite) was not specified. Print error and exit if resp.status_code == 200 and not args.redeploy: print "[error] An iApp deployment named \"%s\" already exists on BIG-IP \"%s\". To redeploy please specify the '-r' flag" % (final["name"], sys.exit(1) istat_key = "sys.application.service /%s/ string deploy.postdeploy_final" % (deploy_payload.get('partition'), deploy_payload.get('name'), deploy_payload.get('name')) # iApp deployment does not already exist, create it if resp.status_code == 404: # Send the REST call to create the template and print outcome debug("deploy_payload=%s" % json.dumps(deploy_payload)) resp =, data=json.dumps(deploy_payload)) debug("deploy resp=%s" % (pp.pformat(json.loads(resp.text)))) if resp.status_code != print "[error] iApp deployment failed: %s" % (resp.json()) sys.exit(1) if check_final_deploy(istat_key): print "[success] iApp \"%s\" deployed on BIG-IP \"%s\"" % (final["name"], else: print "[error] iApp deployment might have failed. Please check /var/tmp/scriptd.out on the device" sys.exit(1) # iApp deployment exists and args.redeploy (-r) is TRUE so we will redeploy else: del deploy_payload["inheritedDevicegroup"] del deploy_payload["inheritedTrafficGroup"] del deploy_payload["deviceGroup"] del deploy_payload["trafficGroup"] deploy_payload["execute-action"] = "definition" debug("redeploy_payload=%s" % json.dumps(deploy_payload)) resp = s.put(iapp_exist_url, data=json.dumps(deploy_payload)) debug("redeploy resp=%s" % (pp.pformat(json.loads(resp.text)))) if resp.status_code != print "[error] iApp re-deployment failed: %s" % (resp.json()) sys.exit(1) if check_final_deploy(istat_key): print "[success] iApp \"%s\" re-deployed on BIG-IP \"%s\"" % (final["name"], else: print "[error] iApp deployment might have failed. Please check /var/tmp/scriptd.out on the device" sys.exit(1) # Save the config (unless -d option was specified) save_payload = { "command":"save" } if not args.dontsave: resp =, data=json.dumps(save_payload)) if resp.status_code != print "[error] save failed: %s" % (resp.json()) sys.exit(1) else: print "[success] Config saved" sys.exit(0)
README.deploy_iapp_bigip: Deploy an iApp to a BIG-IP system using the iControl-REST API This script uses the F5 BIG-IP iControl REST API to create a specific instance of an iApp deployment. The script supports: - Deployment/Redeployment of an iApp using JSON template files - Hierarchical definition of a deployment using multiple JSON files - A JSON template can specify a 'parent' file to inherit properties from - No limit to the number of levels of inheritence - Automatic selection of the latest version of the appsvcs_integration_iapp - Specification of partition, traffic-group, device-group and other global items Sample template files are included in the 'deploy_iapp_samples' directory that implement a three-level hierarchy and deploy a HTTPS or HTTP virtual server using the appsvcs_integration_iapp. The following table describes the contents of the sample files: sample_defaults.json: Default values for all the fields contained in the iApp sample_https.json: Default values for a HTTPS service (parent: sample_defaults.json) sample_myhttps.json: Top level definition of the service (parent: sample_https.json) sample_http.json: Default values for a HTTP service (parent: sample_defaults.json) sample_myhttp.json: Top level definition of the service (parent: sample_http.json) To deploy the sample_myhttps.json template a command like this can be used: cd deploy_iapp_samples python ../ -i <BIG-IP mgmt IP> -u <username> -p <password> sample_myhttps.json By default the script will automatically save the system config. This behaviour can be disabled by using the '-d' option. For further options please run the script with the --help argument