Export Requests or Security Analytics from F5 Distributed Cloud
Wrote this Python code to export access/security logs from F5 Distributed Cloud, as in the GUI, you cannot export more than 500 requests
Wrote this code and thought I would share. You will need Python3 installed, and may need to use "pip" to install the "requests" package.
Parameters can be displayed using the "-h" argument.
A valid API Token is required for access to your tenant.
One required filter is the Load Balancer name, and additional filters can be added to further confine the output.
Times are in UTC, just like the API requires, and is displayed in the JSON event view in the GUI
Log entries are written to the specified file in JSON format, as it comes from the API.
Example execution:
python3 xc-log-api-extract.py test-api.json security my-tenant-name my-namespace my-api-token my-load-balancer-name 2025-01-13T17:15:00.000Z 2025-01-14T17:15:00.000Z
Here is the help page:
python3 xc-log-api-extract.py -h
usage: xc-log-api-extract.py [-h] [-srcip SRCIP] [-action ACTION] [-asorg ASORG] [-asnumber ASNUMBER] [-policy POLICY] outputfilename {access,security} tenant namespace apitoken loadbalancername starttime endtime
Python program to extract XC logs
positional arguments:
outputfilename File to write JSON log messages to
{access,security} logtype to query
tenant Tenant name
namespace Namespace in tenant
apitoken API Token to use for accessing log data, created in Administration/IAM/Service Credentials, type "API Token"
loadbalancername Load Balancer name to filter on (required)
starttime yyyy-mm-mmThh:mm:ss.sssZ
endtime yyyy-mm-mmThh:mm:ss.sssZ
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-srcip SRCIP Optional filter by Source IP
-action ACTION Optional filter by action (allow, block)
-asorg ASORG Optional filter by as_org
-asnumber ASNUMBER Optional filter by as_number
-policy POLICY Optional filter by policy_hits.policy_hits.policy
DeVon Jarvis, v1.2 2025/01/21
DeVon Jarvis