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Fozail_183609's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 22, 2017

Is there any command on F5 which is similar to Unix "locate" command?

Dear Expert,


I attempted to run the command "locate" to find out that a file resides in which directory. However I am getting the error message that "locate" command not found.


[*****:Active:Standalone] / locate -i alertd.conf -bash: locate: command not found


As it's very hard to remember the directory of a file, is there any other command on F5 which is similar to Unix "locate" command?


Best Regards,


  • Hi,


    I tried but find also didn't help.


    [:Active:Standalone] config find -name "alertd.conf" [:Active:Standalone] config find "alertd.conf" find: `alertd.conf': No such file or directory


    • Fozail's avatar
      Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

      Hi Kunjan,


      Thank you for sharing the info.


      I tried it on my lab appliance, it does not tell the directory name of the file.


      [root@fozilab:Active:Standalone] config find / -name alertd.conf [root@fozilab:Active:Standalone] config find / -name "alertd.conf" [root@fozilab:Active:Standalone] config find / -name alertd.conf [root@fozilab:Active:Standalone] config


    • Fozail's avatar
      Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

      Hi Kunjan,


      Thank you for sharing the info.


      I tried it on my lab appliance, it does not tell the directory name of the file.


      [root@fozilab:Active:Standalone] config find / -name alertd.conf [root@fozilab:Active:Standalone] config find / -name "alertd.conf" [root@fozilab:Active:Standalone] config find / -name alertd.conf [root@fozilab:Active:Standalone] config


  • kunjan's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    Actually it is alert.conf , at /etc/alertd/alert.conf


    • Fozail's avatar
      Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

      Hi Kunjan,


      my bad :( , good catch.


      I ran the command "find / -name alert" and it stops where it find the first match, is there a way to gte the complete list, like it should display directory for "alert.conf", "user_alert.conf" etc


      [root@fozilab:Active:Standalone] config find / -name alert /config/user_alert.conf


    • Fozail's avatar
      Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

      Hi Kunjan,


      my bad :( , good catch.


      I ran the command "find / -name alert" and it stops where it find the first match, is there a way to gte the complete list, like it should display directory for "alert.conf", "user_alert.conf" etc


      [root@fozilab:Active:Standalone] config find / -name alert /config/user_alert.conf