Forum Discussion

peter_56193's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 23, 2012

irule/asm for mobile device




i am working on a project to redirect mobile traffic. i created mobile agents contain mobile device key word:" ipone, android....."



condition 1 :



if detect request from mobile device; add string "&reqAgt=mobe" at the end and forward to same server.



so the irule i setup is


rule test1 {






if { !([HTTP::uri] contains "reqAgt") }






if { [class match [string tolower [HTTP::header User-Agent]] contains MobileAgents] }






HTTP::redirect https://[HTTP::host]/[HTTP::uri]&reqAgt=mobe
















condition 2



if the mobile user want to view full site, how can i redirect it back to original request.




ASM, i have ASM, if i add string at the end, what action i should do to allow the reqeust, "accept parameter"?







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