Forum Discussion
irule uri traffic redirection failing
- Nov 02, 2022
mplaksin0First I would create a /32 netmask OneConnect profile and associate it with the virtual server in question. After you have done that use the following iRule configuration replacing whatever you might want to match in the if statement but leave everything else and that should solve your issue.
when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set DEFAULT_POOL [LB::server pool] } when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/specialurl" } { snatpool NAT_Outside pool Apps_pool log local0. "[IP::client_addr] Ingreso a [HTTP::uri]" } else { pool $DEFAULT_POOL } }
do a : list virtual "name of the vip " on both big ip's()
for /specialur : BGIPip1 (VIP, pool: Apps_pool) -> BIGip2 (VIP:GOL)
for anything else : ????
- mplaksin0Oct 19, 2022
Hi mihaic,
Let me see its this is ok. I have no access to the specialurl bigip. It owned by other team. The irule its no applied at this time, but it was yesterday in virtual GOL.
ltm virtual /GOL {
destination /x.x.x.x%12:https
ip-protocol tcp
last-modified-time 2022-10-18:14:15:01
partition Proyectos
persist {
source_addr {
default yes
pool /pool_gol
profiles {
Fec {
context clientside
Tec {
context clientside
http { }
serverssl-insecure-compatible {
context serverside
tcp-lan-optimized {
context clientside
tcp-wan-optimized {
context serverside
source-address-translation {
type automap
translate-address enabled
translate-port enabled
vs-index 137
}ltm pool /apps_pool {
members {
/VS_OUTSIDE_F5:https {
address x.x.x..x%12 <--- This ip its from bigip that i have no access.
session monitor-enabled
state up
monitor gateway_icmp
partition Proyectos
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