Forum Discussion
irule uri traffic redirection failing
- Nov 02, 2022
mplaksin0First I would create a /32 netmask OneConnect profile and associate it with the virtual server in question. After you have done that use the following iRule configuration replacing whatever you might want to match in the if statement but leave everything else and that should solve your issue.
when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set DEFAULT_POOL [LB::server pool] } when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/specialurl" } { snatpool NAT_Outside pool Apps_pool log local0. "[IP::client_addr] Ingreso a [HTTP::uri]" } else { pool $DEFAULT_POOL } }
What is the default pool? Isn't it "App_pool"?
Where are other uri's configured to go?
Probablly the config of the VIP will help us figure it out.
- mplaksin0Oct 19, 2022
The default pool isn't App_pool.
The gateway of VM of default pool its this bipip and App_Pool its the ip of virtual-server of other bigip that its in other point of the network (we reach it via routing).
I attach the list.
I tried a policy that says "if the uri contains /specialurl foward traffic to pool App_Pool" and same behavior.
Maybe i can try to set default pool as App_Pool and use a policy with "not contains /specialurl foward traffic to pool GOL (default)
security presentation tmui virtual-list /GOL {
dos-status none
server {
attack-status none
bandwidth-bps 152744
bandwidth-cps 0
bandwidth-pps 66
description none
dst-addr x.x.x.x%12
dst-port https
evicting-active false
eviction-policy none
http-auto-threshold Disabled
http-behavioral-signature-dos Disabled
ip-intelligence-policy none
l4-protocol 6
l7-protocol http
max-bandwidth-bps 4294967295
max-bandwidth-cps 0
max-bandwidth-pps 4294967295
name /GOL
netflow-profile none
network-auto-threshold Disabled
network-behavioral-signature-dos Disabled
route-doman 12
scrub-monitored false
scrubbable-advertisement-method none-method
scrubbable-bandwith-threshold 4294967295
scrubbing-active false
src-port any
stress-level 0
traffic-type inline
vlans none
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