Forum Discussion

keefyweefy's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 08, 2011

irule to redirect and amend URI





I'm trying to write a redirect irule but not having much joy.




The irule firstly needs to identify wireless clients then direct them to poolA


Then it needs to identify internal clients and direct them to poolB, but whilst redirecting to poolB also needs to check if the uri starts with / and ammend to /newuri


All external clients should go to poolA




The default resource on the VS is poolA.


We have a data group called Wireless with all relavant subnets identified.




What I have so far is:






if { [matchclass [IP::remote_addr] equals $::Wireless] } {


pool PoolA


} elseif { [IP::addr [IP::client_addr]/16 equals] } {


pool poolB








This works well, I also have the following irule:






if {[HTTP::uri] == "/"}{


HTTP::redirect "/newuri"








Which will happly replace the uri, what I need is the two combined but URI rewriting only for internal clients only.


  • I'm assuming you've tried just merging the two and it didn't work...but I'm not sure why it wouldn't. Have you done something like this?


    when HTTP_REQUEST {

    if { [matchclass [IP::remote_addr] equals $::Wireless] } {

    pool PoolA

    } elseif { [IP::addr [IP::client_addr]/16 equals] } {

    if {[HTTP::uri] == "/"}{

    HTTP::redirect "/newuri"



    pool poolB



  • Another option... does the rule have to do a redirect? Would it be okay if it just modified the URI on the way to the pool but didn't update the client's location?


    elseif { [IP::addr [IP::client_addr]/16 equals] } {

    if {[HTTP::uri] == "/"}{

    HTTP::uri "/newuri"


    pool poolB



  • Colin_Walker_12's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    What version are you running? I'm assuming version 9.x since you're still using matchclass. If that's the cast, and it were me, I'd write it something like this:

      if { ([matchclass [IP::client_addr] equals $::Wireless]) || !([IP::addr [IP::client_addr] equals]) } {
        set pool "poolA"
      } else {
        set pool "poolB"
    when HTTP_REQUEST {
      if { ($pool eq "poolB") && ([HTTP::uri] eq "/")} {
         HTTP::redirect "/newuri"
      } else {
        pool $pool

    By doing all of the IP lookups in the CLIENT_ACCEPTED event you're saving a fair amount of cycles for every HTTP request past the first one, which is generally a lot since there are 35-50 requests required to load the average web page. Take into account browsing multiple pages per connection and you'll save a heap of resources by getting as much logic into CLIENT_ACCEPTED as you can. I also tightened up a couple of the logical statements, but that's just how they make sense to me, there are lots of options on how to write them.

    That being said, that's assuming you want to use HTTP::redirect for some reason. If you can get away with the HTTP::uri command like Peter mentioned, that's one less set of requests that need to be made and should be faster for your clients, just keep in mind that it behaves very differently.

  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    You could take out of the Wireless datagroup and then remove the IP::addr check. Also, if you're on 9.4.4 or higher you can remove the $:: prefix from the datagroup name in the iRule to preserve CMP:




